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We all walked up Annie's driveway, well Willow skipped and twirled ahead as always, I loved seeing her so happy and full of joy through her childhood, contrasting to mine which was a grey blur where I didn't want to visit again.

''Oo flashy car'', Peeta says, noticing a silver 4x4 parked behind Annie's garage. It looked really good.

''Looks like one of Finn's friends are here, you know how much they're spoilt'', I say, giggling slightly. As we approach the door Willow rings the doorbell multiple times with a beaming smile on her face. I hear Finn approaching the door.

''Oh. Hey you guys what are you doing here?''

''Well we were in the area so we thought we'd pop in, if that's okay?'' I thought he'd have invited us in by now but he hadn't.

''Finn can we go play, pretty pleeeeeease?'' Willow whines.

''Um, yeah sure. Come in.'' We make our way into the hallway and drop all our bags in the corner. I look around noticing that on the console table there are pictures of Finnick and Annie on their wedding day and pictures of when Finn was born. I wish I could've saved him, but I was too slow. Peeta sees my face and squeezes my hand letting me know it's all ok. ''Ur, mum we've got visitors... It's er Katniss and Peeta- their kids are here too.'' Why is he acting so strange? I can hear mummurs coming from the kitchen and Annie makes her way through to see us.

''ah hey guys, you all alright?''

''Yeaaah, we're all good- are we interrupting something?'' I ask. But that's when I hear the laughter. That ever so familiar chuckle. Wait, Gale's chuckle. ''Come on Peeta let's go.''

''Wait why we only just got here?''

''Yeah mummy, I want to go play!'' Annie's face shows it all, she realises that I've noticed that Gale's here.

''Katniss, I didn't know you were in the area, I wouldn't ha-''

''Annie! We best get going now, the kid's need picking up from Hazelle's'', that's when I see them. Cressida walks out of the kitchen, followed by Gale. I can't believe he's here. A million thoughts flash through my head, I can't look at him, I can't do anything. I'm frozen.

''Katniss'', I hear, 'Katniss'', the voice is a little clearer now, 'Kas it's me, it's Peeta. Are you alright?''

''Am I f**k alright Peeta are you stupid! It's been 17 years, 17 years and I haven't heard one word from him'', pointing at Gale. I notice how Finn's ushered Willow off to 'play' and Rye too. ''How do you expect me to feel seeing that he's there and that he's the reason Prims dead and he couldn't even be bothered to tell me about his kids or anything! Noo, I had to find out from his sister. Just get me out of here!'' I scream.

''Katniss'', I hear Gale whisper disheartened.

''No Gale, I don't want to hear it.'' I slam out of the house and back into the waiting taxi, tears streaming down my face as I take in what just happened. Gale. He was here and I couldn't bare seeing him again. It was too painful.

''Mrs Mellark, where too?'', the cab attendant asks.

''Um, just to the hotel please'', I manage to sniffle out.

As soon as I get into the room I change into a hotel robe and wrap myself in the duvet, crying until I finally fall to sleep.

''Katniss'', Peeta's gently shaking my arm waking me. I open my eyes to see him lying there next to me ontop of the sheets. I suddenly remember everything that's happened. I love how in a morning you can wake up and not remember a thing, but then it hits you what's happened. I also remember how I'd erupted at him, calling him stupid.

''Peeta im so s-''

''Shh, its fine, it's fine'', he says as he strokes my hair.

''No it's not, I shouldn't have called you stupid because you're not. I'm really s-''

''Katniss what did I just tell you'', he says, raising an eyebrow at me. And in that moment I realise it's all ok again, I lean forward and kiss him deeply.

''Muuuuuuum! Are we going to the beach yet it's nearly 2 o clock and I need time to build my sandcastle' 'Willow screeches, running into our room.

''Yeah, yeah come on then darling.'' I look at Peeta, I can tell he want to talk about it. ''Not now, let's wait until we get home, anyway we need to talk to Willow first, our girl is more important''.

Once we're finally at the beach we realise it's far too cold to go play in the sea, so Willow sits ahead building her 'fairy princess castle', whilst Rye messes with the sand- he loves the feel. I sit there next to Peeta resting my head in his neck and just watching our children. ''See, I told you I needed you'', I say as we stare out to the sea.

''And I have always needed my Katniss'', he leans in and it's like we're back in the Quarter Quell again, after what feels like centuries he lips meet mine...I feel my stomach stirring, wanting more until I abruptly end the kiss realising the reason we're actually here.

''Willow darling, bring your brother and come here, we need a talk'', Peeta grabs my hand and gives me a small smile.


''Together.'' I say

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now