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I stood there frozen, staring up at Gale. How could he call her that? I mean I know that there's hundreds of girls called Prim, but she was like a sister to him. Then it suddenly dawned. He didn't want to forget her, having no contact with me meant there was no reason to talk about her.

''It helped me Katniss. I couldn't live with it, I know deep down it wasn't my fault, but I still felt responsible.'' He said, sighing to the ground. ''I should've asked, I'm sorry'', he whispered, his eyes still fixed on the floor.

''I never really blamed you, just I was hurt, distraught. You must know that?'' I said, lifting his head to face me in the eye. ''Look I'm not going to pretend I'm happy with it, because honestly I'm not, I couldn't even bring myself to name Willow after her and here you are flouncing about without a care in the world'', a single tear slid down my face. I hated how he could so easily have chosen that name, it would kill me if I had to call her that every morning.

''You think that was easy for me?'' Gale's voice became harsh. ''Listen, you know nothing, I can't even believe that you'd think that'', his eyes looked lost, lacking the fire I once knew.

''Then tell me how you can live with it. She was my sister Gale'',my voice cracked and tears spilt down my face. I'd had enough. I turned towards the door, my hand reaching out to the handle when he caught my hand.

''I know and that's why I thought I owed it to her. You know to remember'', I snatched my hand out of his.

''Well next time, buy a god damn plant'', I said as I rushed out of the room. I ran down the hallway and found myself crashing into Haymitch's chest.

''Hey sweetheart, wait what's up?'' He asked once he'd heard my sobbing. ''Come on let's go to the kitchen where it's less busy'', he gave Effie a quick kiss on the cheek and sat me down on a stool.

''The little girl, she's called Prim'', I managed to spit out, in between small sniffles. Haymitch knelt down on one knee and cupped my hands.

''I know''

''WHAT?'' I yelled.

''Shh, calm down my love. You know I kept in touch with Cressida and she told me. But listen, it was meant for closure, he needed it. He's a good lad you know that one, not as good as your Peeta mind you'', he said giving me a quick wink, ''But he's good''. I wiped my tears from my face and he pulled me into a hug. ''It's gonna be alright sweetheart'', I knew it was eventually, I trusted Haymitch with my life, because he was the one who could only really understand in the end.

''Uncle Haymitch, Uncle Haymitch!'', Willow screeched as she ran into the kitchen, breaking our hug and being swept up in his arms.

''Hello poppet, hey I have something for you'', he said. His whole face had lit up at the sight of Willow, they had an unbreakable bond. He pulled out of his back pocket a small box, inside was a delicate necklace, with a bird pendant on, and on it was a tiny engraved 'Willow'.

''Oh, it's beautiful, it will look so nice with my fan. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!'' She said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and running off to show everyone no doubt.

''Come on lets go join the party, I hear there's refreshments'', he said a smile creeping up the side of his face. When he saw my reaction he laughed. ''I'm joking, I'm joking, the missus would kill me''. We walked in and I went over to interact with some of Cressida's sisters. I especially liked Tiffany, she was outgoing, funny and spoke the truth like me. I heard a tap, a step and a shuffle and knew Peeta was coming towards me on his crutch. I turned around and I had never been happier to see him, his lips formed his crooked smile and I took his hand in mine.

''Are you alright?'', he asked, his eyes full of worry.

''Yes, I'm fine, well now that you're here''. I could still see the worry and doubt in his eyes over Gale, I hated that he felt he was second best. ''Hey, it's fine'', I said trying to convince him. ''I love you''.

''Real or not real?'' He asked. Whenever he felt vulnerable he couldn't help but double check everything.

''Real'', I replied, leaning in and giving him a small kiss. His face relaxed and he slid his hand around my waist.

''Well then let's go mingle'', he said smiling at me. Just as we were about to go find Annie, Willow came running in, tears streaming down her face. ''Willow, what's the matter darling'', Peeta said, his face growing concerned again.

''I-I-I was talking to Jonah and he said that everyone wanted to kill mum and that everyone hated you dad and that you weren't hero's and that even the President wanted you dead and that we'd never be safe'', tears were streaming down her face and I looked down at our lost little girl who knew the truth. But we were safe now. We just had to convince her...

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now