Family Is Everything

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Sweet cinnamon spices hit me as I walk through the door, and before I have time to even take my coat off, my mother brings me into a warm hug. I've missed her. Ever since Prim died she's found it too hard to come back to District 12, the memories are too much. But every so often and each Christmas Day she comes over to visit and it's then I realise how much I actually miss her being around. I thought I'd be used to it after she zoned out during my childhood, but she was there every step of the way helping Peeta and I back to normality and I couldn't have been more grateful. ''Mum'', I mumble through he silky blonde hair.

''How are you dear, I've missed you?'' She sounds concerned.

''I'm better, much better thanks- I-I- I've missed you'', suddenly I collapse into a pool of tears. I haven't let it out like this in a while and it wasn't as if anything was particularly wrong, but It's just one of those days. My darling mother comforts me in the kitchen until I'm better and over the tears, she didn't once pry and ask what's wrong, purely because she wouldn't get an answer. The door suddenly opens and in come my family. ''Hey where have you lot been?'' I say jumping up to hug my children.

''Go on guys go show Grandma what we've got'', Peeta says. Willow and Rye get over excited and run off into the living room to arrange her gift. ''Are you alright Katniss?'' I hate that look Peeta gives me, like I'm wounded. I'm not- I just need him.

''Yes I'm fine, did I ever tell you how much I love you though?'' I say as I pull him into a tight embrace. It's strange how easily those words fall out of my mouth, as eighteen years ago I wouldn't have dreamed of it, yet that night on the beach changed things and made me realise I needed my dandelion in the spring.

''Grandma, grandma! It's ready, come on'', my mother is dragged into the room by an over-excitable Willow, who's eager to show her the gift. I grab Peeta's hand as we walk in to see her reaction. Arranged neatly on the table are some herb jars with tiny engagements of their names on, as well as some herbs to go inside and a photo chest with pictures of Peeta and I, Willow, Rye, Prim and Dad- the only family we have and the only family we need. ''The photos were my idea'' Willow gloats.

''And wasn't that just the best sweetheart'', mum replies as she ruffles her hair. ''Come on you two give your old grandma a hug'' she says as she picks up Rye and hugs the two of them.

''I think she likes them'' Peeta whispers in my ear.

 After a long Christmas evening we all settle down at the table to eat a Christmas dinner, courtesy of Peeta. Sitting around the table I smile to myself, my loving family were all together. ''Can I just say something'' I say as I stand up. ''As a child I never thought I could be happy again once dad died, but here I am today surrounded with the people I love and need to most'', I look down to Peeta. ''I am eternally thankful for this life and while we have all suffered so much, lost the people we love... we're all here today. I know Prim, dad, Finnick, Boggs and everyone else will be up there and they wouldn't want us moping about, as their lives were lived as full as they could be, it's a shame they couldn't have been lived more. But as someone once said, our lives aren't just measured in years. The measure in our lives are the people we touch around us. To our fallen tributes and family'', everyone raises their glasses and I sit back down, greeted with a kiss from Peeta.

''That was beautiful Katniss'', my mother says. She takes a deep breath and says ''Prim would have been so proud of her sister...and as am I.'' I knew it was hard for my mother to tell me those words, and so they meant a lot- as does every ounce of love I receive. 

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now