The Truth

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She walks up the beach, holding her brother's hand as the wind blows through her hair. All of a sudden I don't see my daughter, I see Prim. The exact same smile and eyes, it's like she's here again beside me. Peeta's still holding onto my hand, gently stroking it to try and calm me.

''Have I done something wrong?'', Willow asks, looking slightly worried.

''No of course you haven't darling, we just wanted to talk about your play on Monday that's all'', I say as I pull her down to sit next to me. Peeta has Rye bouncing on his lap.

''Oo, mummy I'm so excited for it, I can't wait to sing'', she says bursting with excitement. I look over to Peeta who has his eyes tight shut, his hand deep into the sand remembering the last time she sung.

''Peeta, it's not real it's fine, we're here, shh'', I tighten my grip on his hand trying to squeeze him back into reality. All of a sudden he's fine again.

''Dad, why do you keep doing that? Is it because of those games? Do you get nightmares?'', I look at my daughter, who is no longer just an infant, but a growing girl, getting stronger each day. But,I realise at this age she wouldn't fully understand the horrors of 'those games', nobody except us can really.

''Yes sweetheart, you see they scared me and your mother a lot...'', he takes a deep breath, ''that's why sometimes you hear us scream, or see us shaking. When you're older you'll understand a little more, but for now just imagine how scared you are from your nightmares, it's like that for us. But you see, they're not just dreams, they were a reality.'' Willow stares for a while taking everything in which Peeta's just said, a face of deep thought.

''I wish I could help you both, is it my fault? Is that why you hated my singing dad? Is it?'' My heart suddenly sinks, it wasn't her fault at all. I hate myself for letting her think like that.

''No, no darling come here'', I pull her into a tight hug. ''Of course it's not your fault, you're the reason we kept going.''

''Listen to your mum Will, she's right. I loved your singing it's just, your mum sung that song once while I was in a bad place and it was like I was in a nightmare again.'' Of course I realise what he meant, the games destroyed us both, but Peeta's love and compassion brought us together and fixed us both.

''Wait, are you still coming to my play? I don't have to sing, I could get Lily to do It.'', a look of disappointment grew on her face, she wanted to do this and we had to let her.

''Of course we'll still coming chuck'', Peeta says as he ruffles her hair, ''we wouldn't miss it for the world my beautiful''. Her face beams with happiness at us being there and I'm glad we had the talk.

''We just want you to understand that me and your father have these memories that'll never go away, we'll tell you more in the future, but for now if you ever see us crying, screaming or trembling don't be scared my love, we'll protect each other. We love you. Always.''

''Yeah now go off and finish your fairy princess castle it's looking great!'' says Peeta, he has a huge grin stretching across his face and I realise how much he loves our kids- they saved him. ''I told you it'd be alright Kas''.

''I know you did... I meant it you know, I'll always protect you''.

''I know you will, because that's what me and you do isn't it? We protect each other?'' He pauses for a while thinking, a small grin creeping up on his face, ''Wait, real or not real?''

''Real'', I cup his face and give him a gentle kiss, until Rye pulls us apart wanting attention...

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now