Putting the Past Behind

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We all took Willow into the spare room, myself, Peeta and Haymitch. ''Come on darling calm down, it's alright, you're safe, we all are''. Peeta said as he tried to kneel down beside her, which was proving to be difficult with his leg.

''Then why did Jonah say all that stuff? I thought that the stuff we learnt at schools about you being heroes was true, not that people wanted to kill you, I thought you freed Panem. I thought- I thought we were safe.'' I sighed and rested my hand on Peeta's shoulder.

''We are safe, you don't need to worry. We'll protect you, you know that'', I said. She looked terrified as death was unknown to her generation.

''You're parents are right Will, you're safe. You'll be alright, because nothing can hurt you now, they both made sure of that. They were both heroes and both did save everyone. Listen, do you remember learning why there was a revolution? The president and the games?'' She mumbled a small 'yes' before Haymitch continued. ''Well, President Snow wanted to make sure that change didn't happen and that nobody could overcome the power of the Capitol, which is why he wanted them dead. But you don't need to worry, he's gone and you'll be safe. None of us will never let anything hurt you alright? Now come here.'' Willow clung onto Haymitch as if her life depended on it, he hugged her back tightly, comforting her the way he once did me. Haymitch caught my eye and I mouthed a quick 'Thankyou', a flood of relief washing over my face that'd she'd be ok. She had to be. I helped Peeta back up and Haymitch left.

''I'm sorry I acted like that, I didn't want to lose you'', Willow said, looking down at the ground, almost shy.

''You'll never lose us darling, I promise'', Peeta said smiling at her and bringing her into a warm hug.

''Always?'' She mumbled into his chest.

''Always'', we told her.

The next couple of hours were spent talking to everyone, including Jonah, who didn't really understand what happened himself until now. The cake was brought out and everybody sang 'Happy Birthday', surrounding Cressida, who beamed brightly. Almost too brightly. Because that's when I noticed something. A small bump. I walked over to her to wish her a happy birthday again. ''Thanks Katniss'', she said without that harsh tone she used years ago, within the years that had past she'd mellowed. ''How's Peeta these days? I haven't really got chance to speak to him much.'' She asked as if she actually cared.

''Yeah, he's good, great. I mean he relapses sometimes, but all in all he's doing well.'' She smiles sympathetically.

''That's good to hear. Yeah, I understand- I mean don't us all?'' I didn't realise that Cressida herself was still broken, its then I understood we all were. ''But it's the kids we've got that keep us going, your Rye's a little gem, I was with him earlier before you put him down for his nap and Willow, well she's a diamond- a little fighter, like you.'' I'd never really had the chance to confine in Cressida, but I liked it.

''That's sweet of you, thanks. Your lads are great too, they get on well with Peeta and your little girl'', I cleared my throat up from the lump which was rising as I thought of Prim, ''Rosy, she's an angel, she reminds me so much of Gale, but she's definitely got your eyes, she's special.'' I say. ''I'm sure she'll make a great older sister too'', I whisper quietly into her ear.

''Wait, what do you mean?'' She says.

''I know you're expecting your next one, you're practically glowing'', I joked. Cressida's face softened and she smiled to herself.

''Ah yes, I'm 13 weeks, but we haven't told anyone yet- I thought this dress would cover it up slightly'', she said scrunching her face up in defeat that it didn't work.

''Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Congratulations by the way, Gale's always wanted a big family and I'm glad you're both happy.''

''Thanks Katniss, for everything. It means a lot'', she said. She meant it as well, I could tell, her constant smiles- she was happy and free from the life she once lived.

''Listen we best get going now it's getting late. Thanks for inviting us.'' I said, giving her a big hug. ''We'll keep in touch yeah?''

''Of course'', She replied. I went to find Peeta and the kids and said a quick goodbye to everyone. All except one. As we were heading down the pathway I heard Gale's voice call us as he jogged up behind to catch up.

''We'll see you in the car'', Peeta said, giving me a wry smile.

''Bye sir, thanks for inviting us'', Willow yelled down the driveway as she skipped ahead. Gale gave her a quick wave. Before I knew it, I was gripping under his arms, his arms were wrapped around my shoulders and his head towering above mine. We stayed hugging for a few seconds before breaking away. He knew I'd forgiven him- maybe things could be alright.

''I'll see you later Catnip'', he shouted after me, as my patent hills clicked down the gravel and into the car. I slid in next to Peeta and rested my head in the crook of his neck, his arms slid to rest on my thigh and I sighed into him glad to have my boy with the bread.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now