I'm Sorry it was Just a Nightmare

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Peeta came home a couple of hours later, we ate, watched a film and went to bed. That night I fell asleep almost instantly. It was morning and I walked down the corridor, searching for Peeta. My eyes scanned the board to find his room number and level. As I head up the stairs to his room, my neck throbbed uncontrollably under my brace. I padded down the hallway, my bare feet cold on the floor and hospital gown loose. 751, I'd found it. My hand cautiously reached out to the door handle. What if he still wanted to kill me? When I'd sneaked in last night he was fine, until I saw his eyes turn and revert back to his mode of wanting to kill. I slowly twisted the handle, until it clicked, no screaming and shouting- good. I was so happy Peeta was back safe, away from Snow and away from any more harm. I wanted to tell him I loved him, because I did and I didn't want to lose him again. I didn't even know in which way I did, but the feeling wouldn't go away and I had to tell him. I pushed open the door and felt something wet on my foot, water? I looked down and my foot was covered in red- blood. I looked up and saw Peeta lying lifeless on the floor, thousands of wounds and a pool of blood around him. I fell down to the floor, my whole world breaking apart, as I fell I noticed a pile of white roses, he'd been here- but how? That didn't matter, all that mattered was Peeta, I wanted to keep him safe, Haymitch promised me, I started crying uncontrollably, the door opened wider, I slightly lifted my head to see the shiny black shoes coming towards me, I looked up and there he was, I couldn't stand, I couldn't do anything, I was frozen, all apart from the never-stopping flow of tears. Prim ran into the room and Snow grabbed her by the neck, pulling out a gun. ''No, no, take me, take me instead. I don't want to be here anymore, not without him what did you do you monster, you monster!' Suddenly I felt a heavy weight on my chest. I shot up, screaming, sweat dripping down my forehead and my body shaking. It was just a nightmare. I couldn't stop, I kept screaming. Peeta immediately woke up and switched on the light, his eyes lost and concerned. ''Hey, shhh, it's fine it was just a nightmare.'' Tears started to spill down my face in relief.

''You're alive'', I managed to choke out whilst tears fell down my face. Peeta held me in his arms, rocking me.

''Yes, I am. It wasn't real, shh it's fine.'' He said, over and over. ''I'm alive, you're fine.'' My cries turned to sniffles and my heart slowly returned to somewhat near normal. I had my head on his chest, silently crying into it as his arms held me tight. ''Shh, its fine, do you want to talk about it?'' He asked. I shook my head, but then managed to croak out.

''You're alive, and so was she, b-b-but now she's not'', I started crying into Peeta's chest again. Prim was alive and then I woke up and she wasn't anymore.

''I hate seeing you like this, come on, it's going to be alright. I promise you.'' Peeta whispered into my ear.

''I know it will''. I tried to stop crying, but instead I cried harder. ''Can you stay awake with me?'' I hated to ask, but I couldn't do it alone, I needed him.

''Yeah, sure.''

''Always?'' I asked.

''Always'', he whispered into the darkness.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now