Here is the Place Where I Love You

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I hadn't slept since the nightmare, I'd possibly dozed in and out of sleep, but it wasn't peaceful. I just kept seeing visions of Peeta laying on the floor, lifeless. I couldn't bear it, all through the night Peeta had his arm around me, gently stroking my hair, and he was there when I'd drop off to sleep, but then suddenly waking up after the nightmare continued. Something about him just being here comforted me, I couldn't imagine how I'd cope otherwise. I think he must have fallen asleep around an hour ago having stayed up all night, and so I quietly crept out of bed and walked into the kitchen, making myself a mug of coffee and sitting down at the table thinking. I looked over to see it had just turned 7am, our alarm would be going off in half an hour and so I padded back into the bedroom to turn it off, I didn't want him waking when he'd only had a couple of hours sleep, it wasn't fair. The kids would be coming back in about an hour, so I tidied up before my mother dropped them back off. Although it was nice to just be with Peeta, I had missed them both a lot, I'd hate to think how I'd cope if they were reaped for the games, but luckily I'd never have to know. I crept into the shower, being careful not to disturb Peeta, and had a quick wash before putting on some leggings and a comfy t-shirt- just as I'd finished sorting my hair out I heard the door go and the sound of Willow screaming ''We're home!''. I made my way into the kitchen, where I was greeted with a hug from Willow.

''Hi darling, did you have a nice time?'' I asked her, smiling.

''Oh yes, it was so much fun we did so much! Where's dad?'' She gushed.

''Your fathers just sleeping right now, he didn't get much last night'', I explained. My mother raised her eyebrows, knowing what had happened. Willow seemed to easily dismiss what I'd just said and ran off into her room to unpack.

''Mummy'', Rye wailed, as his bottom lip quivered slightly, his eyes filling with tears.

''Oh, I'm sorry little chuck, come here'', I said as a lifted him off of the ground and gave him a hug. He started giggling when I started to tickle him, craving the attention. I had a cup of tea with my mother before she left and then fed the children.

''Muum, can I go wake dad yet it's nearly 10am and I haven't seen him for ageeees'', Willow whined.

''Sweetheart, I've already told you, he's sleeping, I don't want you to wake him right now'', Willow huffed slightly, but carried on eating her food. After half an hour, I heard Peeta coming down the stairs, he was all dressed and had his paint and easel in his hands. I walked over to him as he laid his stuff on the floor, my head instantly buried into his shoulder and he hugged me tight. He always did this when I'd had a bad night, it was comforting.

''Dad, dad, dad!'' Willow shouted as she ran over to give him a hug.

''Hey you'', he said, ruffling her hair. ''Are you alright?''

''Yeah I'm great, why do you have your paints are we going out?'' She said excitedly.

''Why yes we are, come on get your coats'', he gave me a quick wink as he head over to say hello to Rye, who was bashing his hands on the table and gurgling to himself.


I watched Peeta and Willow painting the surrounding forests, he was guiding her hand showing her how to do certain strokes. Willow eyes were fixed watching her dad, she concentrated hard, noticing every detail he was doing. ''Can I leave you to paint this now while I go see your brother'', she nodded happily as Peeta came over and sat on the grass, where there were budding dandelions and daisies. Rye was running about, picking up a dandelion every so often and putting it into his bouquet, once he saw Peeta he came toddling back and handed them out to him. ''Oh thankyou Mr'', Peeta said, Rye squealed at the fact he'd received praise and then sat down with us.

''C-can you sing a swong?'' He asked, blinking up at us with his grey eyes.

''Sure we can, Will, do you want to come listen with him?'' Peeta asked her.

''Yeah, sure'', she said as she skipped up the hill to join us.

''What song do you want handsome?'' I said as he laid his head on my knees.

''Lul-by. Rye is sleepy'', he said as he got comfy. Willow crossed her legs and sat infront of us, the sun was peaking over the meadow as it was midday and at its brightest. I opened my mouth and started to sing.

''Deep in the meadow, under the willow, a bed of grass, a soft green pillow, lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes, and when you awake, the sun will rise.'' I carried on singing as Rye slowly drifted to sleep, the song was so calming and gentle, a few mockingjays had heard and so they'd started to repeat the melody, but there were few about and soon they disappeared. I was just reaching the end, when Peeta joined in ''Here the daisies guard you from every harm, here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true, here is the place where I love you.''

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now