We're a Team Aren't We?

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That night we received a phone call from Effie. ''Now, now. I've sent for a car to pick you both up at 9am to drive you both up to see us, I know you don't have the kids because I've talked to you mother Katniss. You both have no excuse not to come, we'll see you around lunch alright? Okay big kisses my loves, byee''. It was 7.30am in the morning and I was about to get up to quickly pack and get ready before the car came, I was happy to be spending some time with Effie and Haymitch, after the revolution we actually had time to spend with each other, away from game tactics and press tours. Peeta was already up and out down at the bakery to sort everything out and hand it over to Michael, who was our young apprentice, for the next couple of days. I swung my legs out and started packing one big case, throwing in a few nice dresses, a couple of t-shirts and trousers for Peeta and also his painting stuff, for in case he needed to get away and lost inside his creations for a while. It had taken me almost half an hour to pack and fold everything neatly, meaning I only had an hour to get ready. I quickly jumped into the shower, I stood there letting the warm water drip down my body, as I was consumed with my thoughts. I then, headed to my wardrobe and picked out a long simple white top, some black leggings and ankle boots. My reflection stared back at me in the mirror, my hair was a ragged mess, so I sorted the parting out and left it in its natural waves, which flowed over my shoulders. I'd just finished putting my earrings from Peeta in, when he came through the door.

''Hey, I'm just going to get a quick shower, is everything ready?'' He asked, as he passed through into the bathroom, giving me a quick kiss on the way. I didn't think he slept last night, his eyes looked as if they were somewhere else and he had dark, prominent circles under them- maybe this trip was a good thing.

''Yeah, everything's ready to go'', I said as I wheeled the suitcase down to the door. There was time to make a cup of coffee, so I prepared one for when Peeta had finished getting ready. The kettle had just boiled when I heard him come into the kitchen. ''For you'', I said, handing him over a mug.

''Thanks, listen um. Did you pack my paint bec-''

''Oh, I've already packed them'', I told him. He smiled slightly before busying himself, not wanting to have that conversation about it nearly being the date when I'd lost him, which was going to be inevitable. All of a sudden we heard a car horn beep from outside.

''That's us'', he said raising his eyebrows, ''you ready?''

''Yep, come on'', I said. I followed Peeta out of the door, locking up as he put the suitcase in the back of the car.


We arrived in the Capitol a couple of hours later, the technology greater than before. The skyscrapers towered over everyone and the streets were bustling. Peeta's hand shot out to grab mine as we turned a corner, there stood looming over us was the tribute centre. The arenas had been knocked down, but the centre still stood there, strong. Of course it had different purposes now, but the thought of the place shook Peeta inside. ''Shh it's alright'', I whispered, stroking his hand and trying to comfort him. His body relaxed once we passed and in a matter of moments, we were driving up the pathway to their house. I took a deep breath before opening my door and stepped out. We were both immediately greeted by Effie, whose hair was now a pale blue.

''Hello, hello my loves, come in, come in'', she gestured for us to follow her into their house. Peeta handed over our stuff once we were in the hallway and gave Effie a hug. I heard footsteps coming behind me and turned around to see Haymitch.

''Hello, sweetheart'', he held out his arms and I sighed into him, glad to be in his comfort again. When I'd let go, he hugged Peeta, a little tighter than usual. But I guess he was still feeling guilty.

''Come on then, the tea is ready in the garden, and there's buns, and cake and sandwiches'', Effie reeled off all the baked goods and I turned towards Haymitch, who rolled his eyes.

''Good to be back hey?'', He said, giving me a wink. We went into their garden, which was full of softly scented flowers, nothing too strong and most definitely no white roses. We all sat around a table drinking tea and catching up. ''How have you been doing my son?'' Haymitch asked Peeta.

''Yeah, I've been good, we both have'', he looked at me and then smiled. ''And you two?''

''Oh we've been great, haven't we darling? Last week we were at this magnificent ball and there was the best champagne and food, it was to raise money for the orphanage and wasnt it just wonderful Hayms?'' Effie gushed.

''Oh yes it was great'', he looked towards me and rolled his eyes again. Haymitch had changed once he'd found Effie, he'd softened- especially with him getting called Hayms, 20 years ago he'd never had accepted it. Haymitch cleared his throat a bit and hesitated what he was about to say. ''Listen, you don't have to, but there's a memorial next week, you know for the anniversary?'' Why was he bringing this up? Neither myself or Peeta had attended it for the past couple of years because once we got there we, we just froze.

''Why are you bringing this up now?'' I sighed. I'd at least wanted some time with them before they started talking about the games.

''It's just, maybe you'll be able to face it this year, obviously we understand, but we miss you both an-''

''Katniss is right, leave it. We don't need this conversation now, we'll have it when it's needed.'' Peeta said, he'd heard too much as well by the sounds of it.

''Alright, I'm sorry'', Haymitch said, holding his hands up in defeat. Effie reached over and held his hand ontop of the table. I stretched across and held it too, Peeta grabbed mine and then Effie's. I knew that we had to be there this year.

We were a team weren't we?

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now