The Hospital

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''PEETA!'', I screamed. Not this, not again I couldn't lose him. Memories form the Quarter Quell came flooding back when he'd walked into the force-field. ''Please, please, please. Come back'', I cried. With all the strength I had left in me I managed to lift him up and carry him down back into the village, yelling for help. Many market owners came running out once they'd heard that it was Peeta in trouble. There was chaos all around and harmonies of 'have you called an ambulance?' 'it's already on it's way' and 'what's happened?'. The whole square was spinning round, it was just a massive blur. The only thing my eyes were focusing on was Peeta, lying there, his chest slowly moving up and down ''It's going to be ok, hang on, we're getting help.'' I whispered into his ear. After about 10 minutes an ambulance finally arrived and Peeta was hooked up to some cables and put in the back of the van.

''Mrs Mellark, are you coming?'' A doctor shouted as he stepped up.

''Yes, yes I am'', I said hastily. He held his hand out for me and I jumped into the ambulance. I sat down on a seat beside Peeta, stroking his hand and willing for him to wake up. ''Please baby, come on'', I kept on whispering. When we finally arrived at the hospital he was quickly pushed down some corridors and into an operation room. I sat on some chairs just waiting. Waiting for a sign of hope, but Peeta was only one who could ever give that to me. It had been a couple of hours since he went in, when a doctor pushed his head around the door.

''Ahem, you can see him now'', my body jumped up and I went into his ward. The doctor left after taking some blood tests and it was just us two in the room. I climbed into a seat next to him and then lay my head on his chest, gently stroking his arm.

''Come on you, you've given me a fright now wake up.'' I said, trying to lighten up the situation and chuckling to myself, with hope of a response. When I got nothing tears started to fall from my face. ''Peeta, please, you can wake up now. I need you''. I started sobbing onto his chest, when I felt his hand stroke mine back. ''Peeta?'' I said, jolting my head up.

''Hey sweetheart'', he whispered weakly.

''Oh you're alright'', I said, yet again collapsing ontop of him into a pool of tears. ''I-I-I thought you were dead, I thought I'd lost you''.

''It's okay, you won't be losing me anytime soon'', he said, laughing a little, a small smile leaving his face. I turned to face him and put my hand on his face, tracing down his jawline and lips, just to make sure I wasn't imagining it. ''I'm sorry. I was stupid.''

I made a snide grunt. ''Yes you were''.

''Oi, less of the attitude,'' he said jabbing me in my ribs. Why was he making a joke out of this? I stood up off of the bed and looked down on him.

''Peeta, you nearly died and you expect me not to be hurting. Do you realise how lost I was when I read your note, and then I found you on the moor and it was like I had my life back. I had you back. But then you collapsed and in that moment I wished it was me on that floor and not you...'' I stared into his eyes, and I realised I couldn't be mad at him. He was my life.

''Come here'', he said stretching out his arm. I put mine out and he pulled me into a deep hug, his warm body heat radiating off of him, making me feel safe and at home. ''I'm so sorry, I'll never leave you again. I love you Katniss'', he said giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

''Always?'' I asked. His eyes relaxed, into a sense of security and relief.

''Always'', he whispered.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now