The Flashbacks

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''A dead man called out for his f-f-for his'', Willow slowly stops singing once she sees Peeta's face, sketched with terror.. ''Muum, what's up with dad?'' She asks, watching her dad intently. Haymitch and Finn get up from their seats, walking over towards Willow. 

''Come on you lets go see if Rye's awake yet''. Haymitch says trying to get her away. I didn't care where they went, I just needed her out of the room, and away from what was inevitable about to come. I couldn't bear the thought of Willow seeing her dad in this state, he was still yelling for it all to stop and slowing rocking back and forth, trembling. terrified. 

''Yeah come on Wills I wanna see your new bedroom, I've heard it's huge'' Finn says, faking his enthusiasm.  Willow reluctantly goes with them both, and just as she's heading through the door her eyes lock with Peeta's.

 ''Come on, come on I want to this room too!'' Effie exclaims with a little too much joy.

''Peeta darling, it's me, it's Katniss. I'm here with you now.'' I say, holding him close.

''SNOW, PLEASE NO NOT AGAIN, NOT AGAIN'', he cries out. Peeta's body shakes uncontrollably, as the fear rises in his body and the flashbacks run through his mind.

''Peeta honey, it's not real, none of this is real, you're here safe...Annie please'', I look over to Annie who's still sat in her chair staring into a blank space. ''Annie please'', I ask once again, I had never heard so much desperation in my own voice before, but she knew Peeta in way I never could, and although that hurt- I knew she could help. I was about to start begging when she timidly comes over, carefully watching his every move.

 Peeta had said how him, Annie and Johanna heard each other's screams and yells while they were in the Capitol, whilst they all suffered the horrendous atrocities they did. We both sit there beside Peeta for ten minutes, Annie trying to calm him down and me holding him in my arms, whispering not real and for him to come back to me. I had never seen him so afraid and vulnerable before, as he never screams or thrashes about in his nightmares-instead his breathing thickens and his body becomes stiff. I subconsciously feel his discomfort and that's when I awake.

Twenty minutes had slowly ticked past on the clock, and I was still coaxing Peeta back around. His strangled yells had stopped now, but he seemed to be in a frightened daze, where his whole body would just tremble. ''Shhh baby, it's ok. I'm here it's not real, it's not real'',I whisper. As I'm running my hands through his hair he suddenly released a breath, sighing deeply.

''Katniss''He breathes out. All of a sudden, I dissolve into a pool of tears from the relief. Annie stands up to go tell everybody that Peeta's alright, and they needn't worry no more. ''Annie'', I call out as she's leaving.

''Yeah'', she says giving me a small smile.

''Thankyou.'' It's all I can say.

''You know you're welcome Katniss'', and then she walk off down the hallway.

''Peeta, you scared me so much, I thought I'd lost you'', I trail off towards the end as my voice cracks, and I start hopelessly crying again.

''I'm sorry Katniss, I just heard that song and I remembered me warning you, and then Snow...and then...and then...oh Katniss'', he says as he pulls me into a hug. For a while we just sit there on the floor cradling each other, until I reluctantly pull us both up and out of our emotions.

''Come on let's sort ourselves out'' I smile, as I drag us into the bathroom to splash our faces with cold water. ''Peeta?'', he turns around to look at me, and we're closer than I thought. ''Always'', I whisper. I hear him repeat those 6 letters back as he pulls me into a kiss, filled with relief.  After we've freshened up, we head back into the living room where everyone has once again assembled, all apart from Annie and Finn.

''Where have they gone?'' I ask Haymitch.

''It all got too much for Annie, it brought back all sorts of memories. They both send their apologies and hope you're alright Peeta'', he says, giving us a small wink.

''Hello my boy'', Peeta says as he sweeps Rye off of the floor. I look over to see the two of them and my heart does that thing where it quickens at the sight of something you love. Willow cautiously peers around the door frame staring at her Father. ''Come here sweetheart'', he says as he hands Rye over to an ever-willing Effie. Willow runs over and gives him a tight hug as he strokes the top of her hair.

''I'm so sorry dad, I didn't mean t-''

''Shhh darling, don't apologise. It wasn't your fault you know that right?'' She gives a little nod and then dissolves into a pit of giggles as he tickles her. Haymitch looks over, smirking.

''Nice going, sweetheart''.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now