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''Hi guys'', Willow and Finn said as they walked in. Willow's face was glowing, a huge smile painted on her face.

''Hi love, what happened to your hair?'' It was wet and all tangled, her cheeks blushed pink.

''Oh um, we were playing in the sea before we left, and the salt water kinda ruined it'', she said, a small grin on her face.

''Yeah you can say that again'', Finn added, nudging her.

''Don't even start Finn'', Willow said raising her eyebrows.

''Oh yeah, or what- you gonna get Rye on me?'' He said, sniggering gently. They carried on bickering for ages, until it was time to go, we were meeting Johanna back in 12 for the afternoon.

''We'll see you later Annie, thanks for letting us come and don't worry, he'll always be there in here'', I said, gesturing towards her heart. When the kids had gone she'd had a cry about Finnick and how she didn't know if she could cope. Peeta rocked her gently, I'm guessing he'd done that a lot in the past after what the Peacekeepers had done to her. Willow quickly hugged Finn and left. Once we were on the train we all went to get something to eat, there was Lamb and Plum stew as a special, so I was happy. Willow had gone to wash her hair, but Peeta and I played with Rye for a while, who would keep telling us to 'pway again'. We arrived in 12 and Johanna was at the station ready to pick us up.

''Hey Brainless'', she screeched across the car park as she ran over to us all and gave me a hug. ''Where're my favourite niece and nephew? Come here'', she picked up Rye and balanced him on her hip while she hugged Willow. She was so good with them both, but she didn't want a family, because having a family meant she'd have to love again. I don't think she ever could. After she'd clicked Rye in her car, and I had settled in the back with Willow and him, I saw her stop Peeta before he got in. She gave him a really big, long hug. Out of everyone I think Peeta was the one she trusted the most, I noticed her eyes glaze over, but she stopped herself from crying before the tears started to spill. Peeta held her harder and whispered something in her ear, whatever it was worked, because she broke away, gave him a wry smile and got in the car.

We arrived back home in no time at all, I quickly went to put Rye down for a nap because he had started to doze off in the car. Johanna was in the front room talking with Willow, I often heard laughter coming from there. I was stood in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, staring out of the window. I suddenly jumped as Peeta's hand wound around my waist. ''Shh, it's fine, it's just me, im sorry''. He said into my ear, my body quickly relaxed against his at the normality. I started making cups of coffee.

''What was up with Johanna, I saw you both earlier'', I asked concerned.

''Ah you saw that? She didn't want you to see. It's nearly the anniversary since that night Katniss, where we got separated, it's hitting her hard. She keeps getting flashbacks, she can't shower for longer than a couple of minutes because her body becomes paralyzed with fear.'' I sighed. I'd always felt bad for Johanna, because she had no one to help her through, well apart from us.

''She'll be alright though?'' I said, my voice cracking at the thought that she was hurting.

''She will be'', he smiled at me and we took the tea into the front room. We walked in to see Willow and Johanna deep in conversation.

''Room for two more?'' Peeta asked, chuckling.

''Girls only, sorry dad'', Willow said laughing.

''Well, I know when im not wanted'', he said, pretending to be sad ''I'm sure my favourite son has time for me then'', he went off to wake Rye up no doubt, smiling at us all as he went out of the door.

We spent the next half an hour just catching up, Willow wouldn't stop talking about school and her friends. It was now time for Willow to go to bed, she moaned a bit, but eventually we all said good night and she went.

''Right then, movie time'', Johanna said jumping onto the middle of the sofa and grabbing the remote. ''Peeta, be a darling and get the popcorn'', she shouted, grinning at him cheekily, as she knew he'd do whatever we asked. As soon as he was out of earshot she practically jumped on me. ''Come on then, how're things with you two? God he still looks at you like he did when you were both 17... it makes me feel sick,'' she laughed heavily, ''I'm joking, I'm joking its sweet, but come on'', she nudged me, ''when can I expect baby number 3? Let's face it, we're not getting any younger brainless.'' I started laughing, it was so nice to have a girl friend to laugh and joke about with, I'd never really had one before Johanna.

''Shh, he'll hear you!'' Johanna couldn't stop giggling, so I threw a cushion at her.

''Oh come on, I see the way he looks at you, the way you look at him. God in that arena you didn't even know if you loved him and now look! As I said before, love is weird.'' She suddenly settled down and all her laughter and happiness retracted back into herself. I leant over and stroked her arm.

''Hey, it's alright, you've got us.'', She gave me a small smile, which quickly turned into a mischievous grin.

''And I'll have baby number 3?'' She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

''What's this about number 3?''Peeta said, walking in through the door with a huge bowl of popcorn.

''Nothing'', we said almost in sync. We all settled down and watched a comedy, before the games we'd have watched probably a horror, but no one could bring themselves to watch one anymore, the fake fear developed into real fear, which never ended good. The film didn't finish until nearly 1 in the morning, we were all tucked up on the sofa with a blanket, un-popped corn in the bottom of the bowl and the lights dim. I stretched out, unlocking all of my muscles and stood up.

''I best get going now'', Johanna said sleepily.

''Oh, are you not staying?'' I'd assumed since she stayed so late she would sleep in the spare room.

''Oh no, I best get back, I've got a meeting tomorrow morning so I should be in 7 for it. I'll see you guys later though, thanks for having me!'' She said.

''You're always welcome, come here'', I gave her a big hug, she held on tightly and just before she pulled away she whispered,

''Baby number 3 soon, yes?'' and winked.

''No!'' I said laughing, ''Go on I'll see you later''. Peeta gave her a big hug and then she was gone.

''Bed now?'' Peeta asked.


Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now