Before The Games

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As we walked through District 12 and up into the meadow, it was all silent, neither one of us breathing a word, I just didn't know what to say. I had Rye on my hip as we walked across the meadow and into the forest. ''whoa'' Gale breathed out. ''Doesn't this bring back memories?'' He said as we walked through the trees and down onto the path.

''Yeah, do you remember that time we were hunting and you fell in that river down there?'' I said pointing and laughing to myself. Gale chuckled.

''Haha, yeah. What were we there, like 15? Gosh.'' He said.

''I miss it you know, each morning when we're all walking Will to school and we walk past our tree'', I stop abruptly as I realise I'm going to have to tell him about me teaching willow.

''I miss it too, there's no forest in 2 and it's all so different. I wonder if all your arrows and rope are still there?'' He says. So do I pretend I know nothing or not? I might as well just tell him.

''They are, a few days ago I was teaching Willow, she shot a bird and everything, a true natural.''

''exactly like her mother then' 'he said turning his head and giving me a small smile.

''Come on it's just down here'', I said leading him off of the path and down into the school yards, just in time for the bell sounding. All the kids came rushing out, a few of our old friends, well the ones that had left, came to talk to us for a while. But eventually Willow came rushing out, skipping up towards us.

''Hi mum!'' She said as she gave me a big squeeze.

''Hey darling'', I said as she picked up Rye and started tickling him.

''Oh, excuse me. Hello sir'', she said curtseying a little. We'd taught her to address her elders as 'Sir' or 'Miss' and to always offer a handshake, but she'd got into the routine of curtseying now, but it was sweet.

''You can call me Gale poppet.'' Willow smiled up at him and we head back down into the forest. ''Your mum was telling me that you went hunting the other day'', Will's eyes lit up and a huge smile lit up her face.

''Oh yes, it was magnificent. I was telling my friends today and they were so jealous that I got a bird, right in its chest on my first try'', she gloated.

''Oh that's great, I bet even I couldn't do that.'' Willow giggled slightly before saying

''Muuum, can we go see dad at the bakery?'' I looked at Gale for confirmation and he nodded as a sign it was ok.

''Sure we can sweetie.'' I said. As we were approaching the shop Willow ran off with Rye to see Peeta and Gale stopped.

''I should probably get going now Katniss.'' He said.

''Oh are you sure, you can come in?'', I knew he wouldn't want to, but we didn't really get chance to catch up.

''No, no it's fine. I'll see you next week anyway.'' He smiled at me and then leaned in for a hug. His arms wrapped around my neck, his chin resting on my head- the way it used to. I came to realise, I no longer felt anything for Gale, and I didn't need any from him anymore, his love, nothing. Just his friendship.

''Bye then'', I mumbled into his shirt. And as quickly as that, he headed off back home. I ran into the bakery, wanting nothing more than to see Peeta again, to hold him again and tell him how much I loved him. The bell sounded as I walked through, I looked left to see Willow and Rye sharing a piece of cake and chocolate milkshake. I said hello to a few of the staff, but then went straight into Peeta's office, I was expected to be greeted immediately with a hug, but instead what I found was a very different matter...

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now