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I love how now when we kissed, I felt something, the need for more, my love towards him everything.

''Ewwww, you guys'', Willow said as she skipped up the hill. Peeta chuckled and ruffled her.

''Hello my darling''. He pulled her towards him making her fall on top of him into a pile of laughter as he tickled her. ''Look I'm just going to take everything back to the house and then we can go for a walk yeah?'', Peeta said as he stood up.

''Alright, what time are you working today?''

''Day off'', he said winking. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist.

''I'll see you at midday'', I mumbled into his chest as he gently kissed my forehead.

''Bye daddy!'', Willow said as she ran up to him and got lifted from the ground into a tight hug. ''Goodbye my princess, I won't be long''. Peeta put her down and grabbed Rye from the rug. ''Goodbye you, I'll see you in a bit'', he said as he played with Rye's tiny little fingers.

''Da-da'', he gurgled.

''Yes da-da that's right, can you say goodbye?'', Peeta's eyes twinkled with love as he held his son in his arms.

''Dud-byeee'', he said as he collapsed into a pile of high-pitched squeals. Peeta headed down the hill with his easel and the picnic basket, slowly turning his gaze away from us all.


''Muuum, can we have a story, I'm sleepy'', Willow pleaded.

''Sure dear, you should rest before your father gets back, what do you want to hear?'' Willow stayed silent for a while with a very thoughtful look on her face.

''Hmm, can you tell us a story about when you were younger? What did you like to do?''

''Of course I can'', I thought for a while whilst they both made themselves comfortable, resting their heads on my lap. ''Well, when I was just a little bit older than Willow my dad, your granddad, used to take me out into the woods a lot. That's when I first learned how to use a bow and arrow, he'd specially crafted me a miniature version of his. Each Sunday we'd go out early morning and he'd teach me how to hunt. You see that was how we survived when I was a little girl, slowly I learned how to shoot squirrels and birds right in the eye, sometimes we'd even sell them down at the market and when I'd been extra good he'd buy me some sweets.''I said, stroking Willows brown waves and Rye's blonde, curly locks. I thought about how my father took me hunting and how everything I knew was from him.

''That's so cool, tell us more'', Willow whispered sleepily.

''Well, the first time I shot my first deer was the happiest day, I'd hit her right where I was supposed to and she died very quickly. I used to love hunting, when my father died I'd go with my friend Gale, you remember him from the other day right?'' She made a small 'hmmm', asif to say she remembered. ''Well we both went, nearly every morning, shooting squirrels and birds, we used to sell our squirrels to your other granddad, I always remember seeing your father peering around the kitchen frame whenever I'd knock on his back door to sell things to his dad, he'd always be smiling then too. Apparently he loved me then, as well as now.''

''Eww that's gross'', Willow said, giggling.

''Shh missy and anyway yeah, I hunted when I was younger but not anymore, not now I no longer need to''. Rye had already drifted off to sleep breathing heavily and just as Willow was drifting off she said

''Mum, when dad gets back can you teach me how to hunt?''

''Of course I can my dear''. I hadn't picked up my bows in what seemed like a lifetime and now to teach my daughter what I knew was going to be tough...

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now