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The cab drove us down to the train station and we quickly got on before the paparazzi got wind we were leaving. It was nearly 10pm, so we wouldn't get back until early morning and so the suite was made up with beds. Willow skipped off into her room and dressed in a silk nightie, which the attendants had provided. We went in to say goodnight. Both of us sat on either side of the bed, stroking her long brown locks, until her eyes went heavy and she fell to sleep. We lay Rye down into his cot and put him in a tiger baby grow which we'd brought for his naps. He lay there, his curly blonde locks fanned out on the pillow. Peeta leaned on the crib, stroking Rye's small hand, which gripped onto one of his fingers, until he slowly fell to sleep. I was feeling a little tired myself, so we both went into the lounge bar next to our suite and cuddled up on the sofa, watching a film. I placed my head on Peeta's lap trying to get comfy.

''Hey why are you so fidgety miss?'' He asked poking me in the ribs making me laugh.

''Peeta stop'', I said laughing, ''you'll make me wake the kids up''.

''Well then don't fidget''.

''It's pretty hard when one of your legs are in a cast'', I joked. He suddenly got up and went to the other side of the room, bringing back a pillow and a blanket.

''Here'', he said throwing it at me.

''Thankyou'', I said sheepishly as I put it on his lap and rest my head back down. His hand was stroking my head, his fingers entwining through my loose curls and I just stared up at him contently.

''You're staring again'', he sung in a small tune. I hadn't realised he'd noticed because his eyes were so fixated on the film, it was something about a silver playbook? I wasn't too interested. ''Oh, um sorry'', I said, suddenly becoming shy.

''No it's fine, I like it. I like feeling that you're here with me.'' I sat upright and snuggled into his side instead.

''I'll always be with you, you know that.'' I reassured him.

''Good, because I don't know what I'd do without you'', he said.

''You'll never have to know'', I promised him. He moved his head down to face mine, his chiselled jawline prominent, and leaned down to kiss me. I held on like that night in 13, where I'd willed him not to let Snow take him away from me. When we finally parted he smiled at me.

''You should watch this you know, it's good. It's about always finding a silver lining, no matter how hard things are.'' He told me.

''I don't need to find one, I've got you'', I whispered as I felt my eyes going heavy as I fell to sleep. He whispered something back, but I didn't catch it.


I woke up to the sound of an announcement, saying we'd be arriving in District 12 in approximately 15 minutes. I awakened in the same position in which I'd fallen to sleep, Peeta's hand still stroking my hair. ''Morning sleepy'', He said as he flicked the TV off.

''Hey, what time is it?'', I asked.

''About 3am, you slept most of the journey,''

''Wait, did you not?'' I asked concerned.

''No, not at all actually. I couldn't.'' I looked at him to carry on as to why not, but instead he just said ''I wasn't tired Kas, its fine. I'm fine''. I got up to go wake Rye and Peeta went to get Willow, who was still half asleep. The train pulled into the platform, where there were still a few hopeful paparazzi trying to get pictures. ''Do they have nothing better to do with their nights?'' Peeta muttered under his breathe. I hitched Rye up higher on my waist, securing him and took my free hand in Peeta's as we head down to the taxi which was waiting. It only took 10 minutes to get home so we got there quickly.

''Come on then Will, let's get you to bed.'' I said leading her to her room.

''But I'm not tired. Pleeeease mum, can we stay up and watch that documentary on Narnia? Please, please, please!'' She begged.

''Hmmm, alright them missy, only, because you don't have school later'', I said, giving in.

''I'll go make the hot chocolates then'', Peeta said as he made his way into the kitchen. I set Rye in his swing, so he could sleep if he wanted to, but he had become so active and talkative lately I didn't think he'd want to. Willow settled down on the floor next to the swing with a load of pillows flicking through the planner to find the documentary. I snuggled down next to her and Peeta came in holding three mugs, piled high which cream and marshmallows and a flake sticking out. I got up to help him after he'd handed Willow hers and me mine. I put his crutch on the sofa and helped him lay his leg down, a small sigh escaping from his mouth as his sunk into the floor. We all sat there, drinking from our mugs and watching intently. My whole family, which was and always would be whole.

''Mum, dad?'' Willow said

''Yes darling'', we replied.

''Are you sure we're safe?'' She asked with a small seed of doubt.

''I promise you'', I told her. Quickly enough she settled back into the documentary and eventually, her head fell to one side. Peeta turned towards me.

''You're still trying to protect me. Real or not real?'' He asked.

''Real.'' I told him.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now