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We keep coming back to this place, the place where we can feel whole. The meadow. Willow hunts, Rye bakes and Oakley is learning to talk. Life is better now, better than before, I finally feel whole again, my 3 beautiful children and Peeta. Oh how Peeta has changed my life. The never ending hope he brings me, the hope that even the most broken can be whole again. Of course there are days when we relapse, the flashbacks will never stop and neither will the nightmares, however since Oakley was born they've eased slightly. Willow loves having a younger sister, she's 16 now and finally understands the past in a way that doesn't frighten or confuse her, but in a way that makes her stronger and proud to be a Mellark. Rye bakes, a real natural- just like his father. Every time he bakes, Peeta is there to guide him, he doesn't know the horrors yet. He's only 7. He's learnt about the games, but he doesn't know it all, that is yet to come. Oakley looks exactly like Prim, her big blue eyes and blonde curly hair, she giggles all the time- a happy toddler. As for myself and Peeta, we're stronger than ever, finally at a place where we are content with our lives, and there's no threat of that disappearing. We know the time will come where the past will be dragged up, but we have each other and the kids, we'll get through it all together. As one. The Mellarks. And when Peeta cries for help and to be free from the torture, I'm there to tell him it's not real, and when I awake during the night screaming, he's there to hold me. I ask him to stay and those 6 letters are and will stay in my mind for all eternity. Always.


Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now