Bonus Chapter- Easter Morning

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"Good morning my little cherub" I said as I bent over to pick Oakley up from her cot. Her blue eyes glistened at the sight of me.

"Mummy" She said, as her arms wrapped around my neck to hug me. I dressed her in a little yellow dress, which had a lace trim on the collar and then took her downstairs.

"Hi mum!" Rye called once he'd seen us. He was stood at the kitchen counter with Peeta baking some Easter treats for later, through the years his platinum blonde hair had darkened slightly to match Peeta.

"Rye" Oakley wailed, her bottom lip trembling at being ignored.

"Sorry, come here" He said after quickly washing his hands. Oakley stretched her arms out and Rye took her away from me, he was only 7, but he was naturally strong like his father. He carried her over to the table and placed her down, she looked up at him in admiration as he let her try some of his baked buns.

"Good morning" I smiled sweetly at Peeta who twisted his neck around to greet me with a kiss whilst he kneaded some dough on the counter top. "Where's Will?" I asked, wondering where she was.

"You know her, she's probably out hunting somewhere no doubt", Peeta noticed the worried look on my face. "She'll be fine, she went early so I don't think she'll be long". As if right on cue the door opened and Willow came in, dumping her hunting gear in the hallway.

"Morning you guys, its beautiful out there" She beamed.

"Well we can go out later, where've you been?" I asked, slightly scowling at her.

"Don't look at me like that" She snapped.

"Don't talk to me like that young lady." I warned her, raising my eyebrows. Willow was 16 and we often disagreed on things, but deep down we were good, she was just like me- strong willed and stubborn.

"If you must know I went hunting and then down to the church and gave them all the game for the homeless, after all its Easter they deserve something." My scowl softened, at her kind gesture, she had Prim's heart and Peeta's mind.

"Oh well alright, go get dressed, everyone will be here soon and you all still need to do your treasure hunt". Willow stalked off, but before going upstairs she said hello to Oakley. Whenever she was with her she softened, I knew she'd do anything to protect her.

"Alright kidda?" She asked Rye as she ruffled his hair.

"Yeah I'm good" He replied as she climbed up the stairs. I ran over to catch up with her and followed her up the steps.

"Willow?" I shouted over to her.


"That was a good thing you did today, I'm sorry I snapped I was just worried." I gave her a small smile.

"Yeah I know, I heard you last night. I was gonna come see you, but dad was there. Are you alright?" Last night was the first time in months I had had a nightmare, it wasn't terrible, but the shock of having one shook me up, now Willow was older she understood and often it was her who was there to comfort me as well.

"Yeah I'm fine, go get dressed darling I'll see you in a bit".

"Okay, mum?"

"Yes sweetheart?"

"I love you."

"You too my love." Willow went into her bedroom quietly singing an old folk song, she often did this when she was glad to be surrounded by family- what was bugging her?


"Right are you guys ready" Peeta asked. Rye and Oakley nodded their heads enthusiastically, Willow just rolled her eyes at me seeing their excitement. "Okay your first clue is, 'Make sure you knock, this place is forbidden, young eyes will find the egg that is hidden', go!" They all sat there for a few moments before Rye's face lit up.

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