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About a week after Christmas it was time for Willow to start back at school. At first it was hard to let her go, what if something happened to her and I wasn't there to protect her? The first few weeks my mind was consumed with terrible, terrible thoughts of the unknown- Peeta was the only one who understood... He was the one who understood in a way nobody else could and he knew my worries of something happening to her. Just like they happened to Prim and Rue.

As tradition, the school still puts on their annual 'new year play'. These were the ones where I'd sing the valley song each year and the ones where Peeta's love grew towards me. The first year Willow spent here, she played a minor role, yet for some reason, seeing the school acting as a community really put my mind at rest. Afterwards, they had even invited me in for a day to put my worries at bay and to see my daughter was happy and in a safe environment. 

It was the morning of Willow's first day back and Peeta let me sleep in whilst he helped her  get ready. He was meant to wake me half an hour before it was time to leave, so I could get dressed and mkae sure she had everything. ''Mum?'' Silence ''Muuuum?'' I woke up to see Willow peering over me half ready. ''Mum will you do my hair for me, dad's rubbish at getting the braid right and I can't do it myself''.

''Of course I can sweetheart, come here''. I said, swinging my legs out of bed. Willow was blessed with my long, dark hair, which she insisted on wearing in a braid down her back...so little did she know. Just as I was tying a ribbon at the end Rye began to stir.

''I'm on it'', Peeta shouted across the house. I finished knotting the bow and showed Willow her hair in the mirror. A huge gasp left her mouth.

''Mum!'' She gasped. ''It looks so nice. I hope everyone likes it.'' 

''Wait a minute it's not done yet'', I say as I reach into my chest. Carefully I threaded a few of my greater stitchwort from our wedding day into her hair, as I know how much she loves them. Of course they're fake but they're still just as beautiful. Her hands clasp together in awe. ''For good luck'', I whisper into her ear.

''Thanks mum'', she whispers back.

''Are you guys done yet, we're going to be late.''

''We're coming dad!'' Will yells as she runs through to him and starts shouting about how nice her braid looks. This morning we all decided to walk through the forest on the way to school as it was much quicker and we already were running a little late. The branches were covered in a thin layer of frost and birds hopped from tree to tree singing to one another. Willow skipped through the forest ahead of us, singing and twirling. Then something strange happened. She sung a sweet melody, but it was repeated- there were mockingjays here.

''Hmm, that's unusual for them to be so deep into the forest, especially at this time of year'' Peeta said. Willow was completely oblivious to what just happened. ''Willow sweetie did you hear that?'' Peeta asks, she shakes her head in confusion. ''Sing something again'', and so she does- for yet again it's repeated.

''Woah, did that bird just repeat my song? Rye did you hear that?'' She asks looking up to her dad's shoulders. She receives a few gurgles from her brother and then off she skips again singing an old valley song.

''Katniss are you alright?'' Peeta asks, giving me that look again.

''Yeah it was just a little weird hearing them. I mean I wasn't expecting them- it was nice''. It was nice hearing them sing, as it reminded me of the nicer memories I had of my past, like hearing my father sing with them and Rue too. They calmed me.

Once we'd finally got to the gates it was time to say goodbye. I crouch down beside Willow ''Try your hardest and just be yourself okay? I know you'll get the part you wanted if you try okay?'' I say as I gently kiss her forehead.

''Have a good day Kidda. Let them hear your beautiful voice.'', Peeta says, ruffling her hair and looking at me remembering the day I sung for the first time.

''Bye mum, bye dad, bye Rye'', she sings in a little tune.

''Excuse me aren't you forgetting something missy?'' I question as she ran off to meet her friends.

''I love you both.'' She says, rolling her eyes. '' Always''

''Always'' Peeta and I say in unison. It used to be just our little thing, mine and Peeta- a symbol of our love. But, when we had the children, they were now in our hearts too. And always will they stay there. 

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now