Stay With Us?

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It's been two days, two days where I've been constantly worrying about telling Peeta. I was awake for most of the night, just lying in bed- thinking. But eventually I came to the conclusion that Peeta wouldn't leave, he may freak out, but eventually it'll be okay- he won't hurt our baby. It was 5.30 in the morning and I was currently sat at the kitchen table flicking through the family photo album with a mug of coffee in my hand. There were numerous photos of Peeta and me in here, from our wedding, the toasting and then later on came one day old Willow in my arms, the same feeling of joy ran through my body at the thought of holding her for the first time, the same happened when I came across Rye's picture, and I assume the same again in 9 months' time. I heard someone coming down the stairs, so I quickly shut the album.

''Hey darling, why are you up so early?'' I asked, as I saw Willow's chestnut hair emerge from around the corner.

''Well, I was awake thinking about whether or not I had everything packed for the trip and I heard you come down earlier, so I came to see you.'' Willow's school was taking them on a trip to District 13 for history month, they were going to see the memorials and museums, and then staying over for the next couple of days. The first time I let Willow stay out was terrifying, the thought that if something happened I wouldn't be there for her, exactly like with Prim.

''I've already sorted everything out sweetie, you should go back to bed or you'll be tired'', I suggested.

''Hmm okay, will you come up with me?'' She asked, I think she was fearing being alone for the next couple of days, but I knew once she'd get there she'd be fine.

''Of course, come on then.'' I followed her up the stairs and into her bedroom. ''I'll see you in a couple of hours my love'', I kissed her forehead and then went out of her room. I'd just shut the door, when I turned around and collided with Peeta.

''Oops, sorry''. He didn't seem to care, he looked concerned- probably about me being up so early. He raised his eyebrows as if he wanted me to explain. ''Willow couldn't sleep, so I've just put her back to bed'', he didn't look convinced, but he seemed to accept it.

''Alright, well morning anyway'', he said placing his lips on mine briefly. ''Are we still on for later?'' The dinner.

''Yeah of course we are, I'll meet you at the bakery at around one and we can go then'', I said, smiling.

''Alright, well I've got to get ready for work so I can get down early and start some baking before we leave, are you sure it was Willow who couldn't sleep?'' Peeta said accusingly.

''Well I was already up, but yeah'', I couldn't lie to him. His hand brushed against my cheek as he tucked in a stray piece of hair behind my ear, and then he left to get ready.


''No, no, no!'' I yelled in annoyance. I was searching through my wardrobe trying to find something to wear, but I couldn't find anything I liked. In the end I settled for a peachy-orange dress, which was tight until it got to the waist, where it then flowed out- Peeta said the colour orange brings out my eyes. I dragged a brush through my hair, in attempt to tame its curls, but that didn't seem to work either. Why was nothing going right? In the end, I left it down, but pinned the fronts back, which eventually fell into a small braid. I grabbed my bag and went into the kitchen, where Rye was crawling about. ''How do you feel about going to see Uncle Haymitch mr? I hear he's visiting your Aunt Sae'', Rye gurgled happily and we left. I head over to Haymitch's second home, knocked and then went inside. ''Haymitch, it's just me'', I shouted down the corridor. I heard a crash from the kitchen and a few swear words followed, until Haymitch himself came out.

''Hello Sweetheart'', I was taken into a tight hug, I mumbled a small 'hello' and then pulled away. ''Wow, look at you, Peeta taking you anywhere nice?'' he asked.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now