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After a while Gale finally stands up walking over to Peeta and shaking his hand. ''Hi, you look good.'' He says. There is still quite an awkward atmosphere circling the room, but they try to make an effort with each other. It had always been a little awkward because Peeta and Gale weren't enemies, they were just jealous of one another.

''Yeah, I'm much better now thanks. I hear you've got kids?'' Peeta says, his body is stood up straight and strong.

''Er yeah 3 of them actually.''

''Mum who is that?'', Willow whispers into my ear a little too loud.

''He's just one of mummy's friends dear'', Peeta explains whilst he ruffles her long brown hair. Willow skips over to Gale and just stops and stares at him for a while, almost like she's studying him.

''What your name sir?'' She asks, tilting her head to the left.

''Its Gale missy, I'm guessing you're Willow''. She nods her head and walks behind Peeta, hanging onto his arm, almost shy. Yet another silence fills the room, luckily the doorbell goes- giving me an excuse to leave.

''Hey sweetheart, I thought I'd pop round for a while'', It's Haymitch.

''Thank god you're here'', I say as I drag him in. ''Haymitch you have to help, please just take the kids out for a bit, Gale's here'', I ramble out.

''Oouch, bad luck. Yeah sure I'll take them.'' He walks into the front room where everyone is still silent.

''Uncle Haymitch, Uncle Haymitch'', Willow says running towards him and giving him a hug.

''Hello my petal, hey do you wanna go get some ice-cream with Rye?''

''Yes, yes, yes come on lets go'', Haymitch picks up Rye and is speedily dragged off by Willow. I walk over to Peeta who puts his hand around my waist, his insecurity radiating off of his body.

''Why are you here then'', Peeta says with a sharp tone. I nudge him in the ribs telling him to not be so harsh. He whispers a small sorry in my ear and Gale finally speaks.

''I um, needed to see Katniss. After what happened the other day I didn't want to just leave it.'' He says, stuttering with nerves every so often.

''Ah right, well have you two had time to speak?... I can go if you want'', his eyes look so lost and lonely.

''No'', I say quickly, not wanting him to leave us alone again. ''I mean you should stay, come on lets all go sit down.

''Well, really Katniss I should get going, the kids need picking up from school and me and Cress are going out tonight''.

''Oh, um alright then, will we see you again soon? It'd be nice to catchup. Right babe?'' I say.

''Er yeah, it'd be good to meet your kids'', Peeta says, smiling at him.

''Alright well I'll see myself out. Bye you guys.'' He gives me a quick hug, shakes Peeta's hand again and leaves. As soon as he's gone I wrap my arms around Peeta's waist and pull him in, just resting in silence for a while. He seems too tense.

''What's up love'', I ask.

''I just, well I didn't expect him to be here that's all and the way you were looking at him made me feel like second best I suppose'', a single tear slides down his face. I could count the number of times I've seen Peeta cry on one hand, he must be hurt.

''Shh Peeta, you know I want you. I need you'', I say. It broke my heart for him to think I didn't love him because I did. I really, really did.

''Katniss, I just feel you're too good for me, especially when I see Gale with you, all those memories through school came flooding back and I hated it.'' Before I knew it, I had leaned in for a kiss, his hand came up to grab my face and I felt that hunger for more. ''I love you so much'', he whispered in-between kisses.

''I love you too...Always''. We sat on the sofa for a while, Peeta stroking my hair gently and it felt asif we were back in the cave 18 years ago. ''Peeta, you'll always be mine. I need you. I need my dandelion and anything else is completely unthinkable. Without you I couldn't have been the Mockingjay and without you I would have no hope left in the world. You gave me that when I needed it the most and I could never be as thankful as I am to you.'' I say into the silence.

''Katniss?'' He asks.


''You'll be with me to the end. Real or not real.'' I turn to face ontop of him, kiss him softly on the lips and whisper


Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now