The Week After

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It had been a week since Cressida’s party, everything had carried on as normal, Willow went to school and Peeta had his cast taken off of his leg, meaning he returned back to work. I’d spent days with Rye, who was talking more and more. My mother had come over for a couple of days mid-week, I’d missed her so much and it was nice to be within her presence again. It was the morning and I lay in bed the sun, yet again, streaming through the blinds and birds singing morning melodies. I watched Peeta sleep, his chest slowly rising up and down. I liked it when he slept, he was free from his thoughts and memories, and he was at peace with himself, well until the nightmares came. I shuffled over towards him and rested on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat pump. His eyes slowly opened and I felt him look down up me. ‘’Hey you’’, he said, his morning voice was weak and husky. I felt his fingers on the side of my bare arms making small circles, until I looked up at him and they moved to my chin. He leaned forward and his lips met mine.

‘’Morning’’, I said smiling slightly. We lay there in silence for a while until it was time to get up. It was Monday morning, but school was out for half-term holidays and so we were all taking a journey up to 4 to see Annie and Finn. After a while in a comfortable silence and dazing in and out of sleep, we finally go up. I quickly swung on my robe and went into the nursery to wake Rye, who was already up playing with some building blocks.

‘’Ma-ma-mummy’’, he said as he pushed himself up, using his tower as support.

‘’Morning handsome’’, I said giving him a smile and picking him up. I held him for 5 minutes, just hugging him whilst he played with my hair.

‘’BREAKFASTS READY!’’ I heard Peeta shout down the hallway.

‘’Yeah, come on mum I’m hungry’’, Willow yelled. I hadn’t even realised she was up. After quickly changing Rye into a white t-shirt and navy trousers we made our way into the kitchen, where there was a stack of toast, pots of jam and honey.

‘’Here you go’’, Peeta said, handing me a mug of coffee as soon as I sat down. I told him thankyou and we all sat down enjoying our breakfast. Willow rushed off soon after to get changed and half an hour later we were on the fast-train to District 4. Once we’d arrived we made our way up Annie’s driveway and Willow knocked on the lion knocker.

‘’Hey guys, come in’’ Annie said, smiling at us all. As soon as we got in she gave Peeta a warm hug, she was slightly shaky today- I guess she wasn’t doing too well. We all went into her front room, where there were cups of tea and scones. Once we’d been there for about an hour, Finn popped his head around the door to say hello. He smiled brightly at Willow, and for a second I didn’t see him, but Finnick.

‘’Do you want to go out somewhere Wills? We can go to my favourite fishing spot if you like?’’ He asked, a glint in his eye. I looked at Peeta who raised his eyebrows at me in a knowing matter.

‘’Dad can I go?’’ She asked pleadingly.

‘’Of course you can darling. Just make sure you’re back before we leave.’’ Peeta said, now looking at Finn.

‘’I’ll take good care of her Sir.’’ He said, nodding his head, his silky brown hair flopping forwards slightly. Willow said goodbye and the door slammed shut…

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now