Don't Leave Me

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A/N- So this is a really short chapter, but it has major everlark feels in it;) However, from now on I'm going to make my chapters a little longer which I hope you'll enjoy. Thankyou all for commenting and voting a lot recently, its really appreciated!:-) Okay I'll let you read the next chapter now haha!

That day, we didn't do anything else. Willow and Rye ran about the meadow together, Peeta baked and I watched them all. We'd just put Willow to bed, as she had school in the morning, and now myself and Peeta were laid on the sofa, watching some late night chat show. They were interviewing some up and coming 'Capitol Star', she looked a little fake- but sweet all the same. ''Peeta I'm bored'' I huffed.

''Well come here then'', he said stretching his arm out for me to hug him.

''And if I don't'', I said raising my eyebrow.

''Then I'll make you'', he said standing up and coming towards me with a mischievous grin on his face. His armed snaked out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him. I was just about to give in, when I felt his fingers making their way up my back into the crook of my neck.

''Peeta, no'', I said, as I knew what he was going to do. All too soon, he started tickling me and I started dissolving into a pit of giggles. ''Peeta stop it, shhh you'll wake the kids'', I said pushing him off. But he was too strong and I was laughing too much to concentrate. He grabbed and pulled me back by the waist and started tickling me again, I kicked my legs up trying to get away, but instead all it did was help. He picked me up and I hit him playfully. ''Peeta Mellark, put me down'', I laughed.

''I'm afraid I can't do that'', he said with a twinkle in his eyes. I went for a different approach.

''OUCH! Peeta, oo my leg, you're holding it too tight'', he immediately put me down.

''Oh god, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I ju-'' He saw the smug look on my face and suddenly realised I was joking. Before he could speak, I ran out of the room and up the stairs away from him. ''Katniss, come back'', he whispered loudly as he followed me. I shook my head at him, smiling teasingly, as I carried on running down the hall, past the nursery and Willow's bedroom and into ours. I hid beside the bed, ready to scare him when he came in. ''Katniss, where are you'', I heard him whisper. I saw the door handle move and the door opened. Peeta walked in and I jumped on his back laughing. My hair falling down my back as my head threw back in laughter. ''Well I'm glad you think that's funny'', he said dropping me back onto the bed. He sat down and huffed, pretending to be in a mood.

''Oh come on, don't get all grumpy'', I said wraping my arms around his waist.

''I'm not'', he said bluntly.

''Fine then'', I said as I turned around and grabbed a pillow. I swung it back and hit him on the head.

''That's it, you better hide'', he said as he turned around grinning. I ran to the otherside of the room, but he soon enough caught up and started hitting me with his own pillow. We played like this until we both got a little out of breath. I sat down on the edge of the bed and huffed, laying back. ''Well that was fun'', he said making small circles on my hip.


''Hmmm'', he said.

''I love you.'' He sat up straight, pulling me up with him.

''I love you too.'' He leaned forwards and lingered for a minute, just staring at me. ''You're so beautiful'', he whispered. After what seemed like forever, his lips met mine. I held on tight, not wanting to let go, when he pulled away too soon I pulled him back.

''Don't leave me, not yet''. I asked.

''Never'', he said kissing me gently again. The kiss became more passionate as he laid me down on the bed. ''Maybe we shouldn't do this now'', he whispered quietly and pulling away.

''You said you wouldn't leave'', I told him pulling him back.

''I know'', he admitted.

''Then don't.'' I took his face in my hands, and kissed him again. Peeta's hand encircled my back as he held me close. I stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes, still the same blue as they've always been- how could it be possible to love someone this much? I thought. I held onto him tight, while he planted tiny kisses down my neck. I was so glad I didn't lose him to Snow, I'm so glad he didn't take him away from me. ''Peeta'', I whispered.

''Don't worry, I won't leave you, I've got you'' He said.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now