In Sickness and In Health

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One week later.

I woke up late again for the fifth time in a row, my head was banging and my vision was blurred. I slowly propped myself up as Peeta walked in with some breakfast and medicine. ''Morning you, are you feeling better?'' I'd been in bed for the whole week, as I had felt like every time I moved I was about to be sick. But surprisingly I felt a little better today.

''Yeah a little bit, where's Rye?'' I asked as I swallowed a bright yellow pill.

''Your mother picked him up when she took Willow to school'', he said. ''Look, I've got to go into work today, I haven't been in for a while- will you be okay?'' He asked, his eyes were full of concern, but i didn't want him chained to my side all the time.

''Yeah, I'll be fine you should go in'', I said trying to give him a convincing smile.

''Alright, well I'll see you later I should go.'' He leaned over and gave me a kiss on my forehead before grabbing his coat and leaving.

After a long shower I put on a dress to lounge about in as the weather was turning warmer now. I'd just settled down in front of the tv with a blanket when I head the doorbell ring and someone come up. ''Brainless, guess who?'' I heard a voice shout. Johanna. I sighed happily to myself at the thought of being in her company. I heard her boots come down the hallway and into the room.

''What're you doing here?'' I asked jumping up to hug her. Suddenly the whole room started spinning.

''Woah, are you alright? Peeta asked me to come over, come on sit down'', She said guiding me back down to the sofa.

''Thanks. I think I have the flu, I keep going dizzy and being sick'', I said sighing in annoyance.

''Well that sucks, I was hoping you'd be better so we could go out!'' Johanna said disheartened. ''Oh well, it's a good job I've got these.'' She said as she pulled out a few DVDs and my favourite chocolate, salted caramel.

''You shouldn't have!'' I said, jokingly smacking her.

''Hey what are friends for, right which one first?'' She asked holding up the films.

''Errrm, lets watch The Proposal''

''Coming right up'', Johanna put the film on and joined me under the blanket, she ripped open the chocolate and the smell of caramel infused the air. Normally I'd have loved it, but it made me feel sick, I felt something rising up the back of my throat and I ran to the bathroom. Johanna followed me and held back my hair until I'd finished. I looked up at her sheepishly, embarrassed that she'd just seen me be sick.

''Looks like I'll not be eating that.'' I joked.

''Looks like it- you must really be ill'', she said as we went back into the front room to carrying on watching the film. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching the other DVDs and chatting nonstop. ''So how are you two lovebirds?'' she asked.

''Yeah, we're good, great at the minute actually'', I said smiling like a teenager.

''And am I getting another niece or nephew anytime soon?'' Her eyebrows wriggling suggestively.

''Will you stop going on about that'' I laughed, rolling my eyes.

''Oh come on Katniss'', she begged. I just rolled my eyes at her again and carried on watching the film. An hour later our takeaway arrived and I got up to get us some plates. I'd turned dizzy again, so I clung onto the back of the chair to steady myself.

''Hey are you sure you're alright?'' She asked, as she guided me to sit back down.

''Yeah, I just went really dizzy again, urgh I'm so run down.'' I sighed heavily. Johanna got the plate ready and plated up the food. We sat slumped infront of the television, piling the rice into our mouths, but then suddenly I put my fork onto my plate as a thought occurred.

''What's up?''

''I reaaally want an apple'', I said smiling at Johanna.

''Okay?'' She said confused. She got up and head towards the kitchen.

''Jo? Make sure it's a green one please. Oh! And sprinkle some icing sugar on it'' I told her. She looked at me suspiciously and then left to get it. I was sat alone when I felt my heart drop and the realisation flooded through my body.

''Here you go, um Katniss forgive me asking but do you think you could be erm'', Johanna made a bump motion over her stomach.

''I-I don't know. Maybe that's why I felt so nauseous lately''. My lungs felt lost for air. How could I pregnant again? I didn't feel it. But something was telling me I was. A mother's instinct.

''Am I getting another niece or nephew'', Johanna bounced up and down excitedly like an excited child. She loved Willow and Rye so much, I think it must have been because she had no family of her own, she couldn't go through it, the fear of letting them down and losing them.

''Well what if you are'', I said, nibbling my bottom lip nervously.

''Well then it'll finally give you something to fill that spare room'', she noticed the worried look on my face and placed her hand on my arm. ''Hey it'll be alright, we don't even know if you are yet'', she said giving me a small smile.

''Well then, let's find out.''

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now