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Once we've got home I get into the shower while Peeta tidy's the house up ready for visitors. Today, Haymitch, Effie, Annie and Finn coming over for the afternoon, as neither Peeta nor myself have seen them all in a while and it'd be nice for us all to catch up. As the warm water falls down on top of me I surround myself with happy thoughts, this used to be the time where I'd most probably have a cry over my losses. However, it's changed now and instead I tell myself things like 'Peeta loves me', 'we have the kids', 'I am safe', 'there is no games'.

After I've quickly dried my hair I let it fall naturally over my shoulders, Peeta says It makes me look youthful, the games forced us all to grow up too quickly and now there was no need to grow anymore. I pick out a pastel pink dress, something simple and comfy, yet making it look like I'd made an effort. After finishing getting ready I go into the kitchen to see Rye in his high-chair playing with a bit of bread dough. ''Hi handsome, shall we get you cleaned up before Aunt Annie gets here?''

''Oh, I thought you were talking to me then'', Peeta says as he flashes me a smile jokingly.

''When have I ever called you handsome'' I say with narrowing my eyes playfully. Peeta suddenly puts the dough down, frowing.

''Yeah actually you've never called me that'', he pretend pouts and then comes over to me. In that moment our eyes have locked,and he leans in to give me a gentle kiss.

''N-n-n-no, you can get your hands off of me they're covered in flour and this is my favourite dress. Go on, go get ready they'll be here soon'', I say as I slap him with a tea towel as he turns to get a shower. I pop the dough in the oven and then see to Rye. ''Ooh my special boy come on let's get you ready''. I coo, grabbing him from his chair and taing him into the nursery to get him changed. I pick out a pair of brown dungarees and a blue shirt for him and quickly sort his soft blonde curls out. I put him down once he's fully dressed and let him crawl about the house whilst I clean.

Just as I'm finishing up there's a knock at the door. I hear Peeta shout he's got it and I finish off wiping down the surfaces. Immediately I'm greeted by Effie ''Oh Katniss, this can't be little Rye the last time I saw him he could barely sit up, never mind crawl about. Hello'', she says as she bends down to pick him up. He's a lot more active now and goes to grab her hair, pulling at the curls. She takes him down the corridor, no doubt to play and I find Haymitch. 

''Hello sweetheart,'' he says as I pull him into a hug. I was really surprised when he didn't go back to being a drunk, but he found Effie and she's forever telling him she likes him 'much better when he's sober' so I guess he stayed that way. It's always so refreshing to see Haymitch again, after everything we've been through together, it was nice to just be able to relax- but deep down, I'd never stop owing him for saving Peeta. 

We all sat down in the front room, catching up. Haymitch asked how Willow was getting on, and laughed at how she was going into her 'teenage years'. Yet, even though she was nearly 13, she'd always be our little girl. Haymitch and Willow got along really well, which was always nice to see. As we all caught up, I watched Peeta bounce Rye on his knee, looking fondly at him- happy.

''Kas, when are Annie and Finn coming?'' Peeta asks, staring at the clock. Peeta was always so eager to see Annie, his protective instinct took over after enduring her cries at night in the Capitol- he wanted to make sure she was doing ok- for Finnick. 

''She should be here soon, school's finished and they said they'd bring Wills home.'' Finn and Willow argue and bicker like any 'cousins' would, but whenever she's a little moody, or feeling down, he's always there to cheer her up, like any older cousin would. He seemed to be the only person who could make her smile when she hated the world- I guess it must have been his dad's charm. Half an hour later Willow bounds through the door excitedly. 

''Mum, Dad I got the part, I got the part''. She squeals excitedly. Everyone congratulates her and then welcomes Annie and Finn in, catching up. After everyone's settled I grab a very sleepy Rye and take him for his afternoon nap in his nursery. When I return Willow is excitedly babbling on. ''Uncle Haymitch can I sing you a solo, Mrs Trooper has been teaching us all the songs today''.

''Of course you can petal'', he says. She walks over to the fireplace in front of us all and stands on chair proudly, ready to perform. Her mouth opens and she starts to sing. 

That's when it happens. Peeta's breathing thickens and he grabs the sides of the chair as hard as he can, trying to squeeze away the rising discontent. But he can't calm himself down- he's having the flashbacks. His breathing turns to yells and he slumps down into the floor, curling up into himself tightly, screaming for help. Our daughter has brought back his memories. She's singing the Hanging Tree...

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now