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''Muuuuum, wake up, wake up, wake up!'', Willow said shaking my arms. My eyes were still half shut, but they soon focused. I looked up and saw her already in her new dress. ''Daddy says I couldn't wake you, but we're meant to be ready for Aunt Effie in half an hour and you aren't up yet'', Willow said, bundling with excitement.

''Alright, alright, I'm getting up'', she squealed and then ran off somewhere. I looked up at the clock to see it was already 8am. I'd slept well for the first time in months last night and it felt good. I grabbed my robe and swung my legs from the bed. I walked over to the mirror to see if my head had healed any better, slowly I unwrapped the bandage and it had thankfully, I couldn't deal with all the questions otherwise. After being stood at the mirror for about 10 minutes, Peeta came in and wrapped his arms around my waist, spinning me around to face him.

''Morning sleepyhead'', he whispered in my ear and he gave me a tight hug, slightly leaning to the left because of his crutch.

''Goodmorning you'', I replied just before pressing my lips against his gently. Just as I was pulling away, Peeta brought me back in for another one, his self-confidence slowly disappearing at the thought of today. ''Hey it'll be alright, we've got each other'', I told him, nestling me head into the crook of his neck.

''Yeah, I know'', he said. His eyes looked down in sorrow. He still refused to believe I'd chosen him. He was the one I wanted and he was the one I needed. ''Effie will be here in a bit, so you better get changed before she starts fussing. I'll go dress Rye, but I've just got to go down to the bakery before to run some errands, but I'll be back just before we leave'', he said.

''Alright, I'll see you soon.'' I said. Peeta's hands came off of my waist, as he headed out of the door. ''I love you!'' I shouted after him. He turned around and smiled.

''I love you too Katniss''. I quickly jumped into the shower, giving myself no time to think, as I had to be quick. The warm water dripped over my body, giving me a relaxed sensation. After showering I put my hair in a messy braid whilst it dried, all ready for when the stylists got here. I went over to my wardrobe to grab my dress which Effie had left yesterday. Slowly I unzipped the white bag. Wow. It was beautiful. Along the hem was a delicate lace trim, it was knee-length, so nothing too dressy, but all over the skirt were tiny flowers, which had been sown on with a lavender thread. The top was really simple, yet elegant- it was mostly all a fitted silk to my waist, where the skirt flowed out, but on my chest were a few small cream-coloured pearls, matching the dress. But, in the middle was an ever so familiar black one. Wait. It was the one I'd lost many years ago, the one Peeta had given to me. I stared in awe at the dress, it was simple- but at the same time so very beautiful. I slipped into it and paired it with a pair of cream patent leather heels. I felt beautiful, as radiant as the sun. Just as I'd fixed the clasp on the back of my necklace I heard Effie bound in through the front door.

''Okay,okay, quickly now. We need to set up- we're leaving in 25 minutes. Hurry!'' She said, sending the stylists through to the spare room. I stepped out of the bedroom to go greet her. ''Oh Katniss, you look stunning, just wait until we do your hair. Where're my little angels? Willow! Rye! Come on now my dears, quick, quick''. Rye came toddling out of the front room in a pair of cream cargo shorts and a light blue, button-up shirt. ''Oh my love don't you look handsome'', Effie exclaimed picking him up. ''Right, Portia, you take Rye and do something lovely with his little blonde curls.''

''Aunt Effie, Aunt Effie! Are you here to do my hair? Please, please, please!'' Willow said as she ran into the room.

''Yes I am, you go find Flavius and I'm sure he can do something!'' She replied. Willow excitedly ran down to hallway. ''Now, you. Octavia will do you nails, whilst Flavius is busy. He's waiting for you now. Quick, quick! We don't have all day''. I was ushered off into the room where he was waiting. I sat down, whilst his magic was swiftly worked. My nails ended up being a light mauve, with a flower decoration on my ring finger. Willow was sat across the room, her hair was being straightened, it fell halfway down her back like a waterfall. Flavius had put in two small braids at the front of her hair, which were pinned and met at the back. He'd just finished putting in a cream Alice band, when it was time for me to be seen too. He untied my braid, leaving my hair fall into natural curls.

''Right, let's work with an 'au natural' look today. I'm just going to give them a bit more volume, sort the parting and we're done my love'', in a matter of minutes he was finished, my curls rested on my shoulders, in thick voluminous, loose ringlets. We were due to leave in 15 minutes, so the makeup artists quickly powdered me up, lined my eyes in a thin black liner and a gold shadow. Simplicity was best. Willow even had a pale pink lip-gloss on seeing as it was a 'special occasion'. With minutes to spare, we were done. Within the next few minutes the prep team were gone. I grabbed Rye, who's hair and been styled in a small quiff and we waited in the hallway for Peeta. I was just about to call him when he came rushing through the door. He saw me and his eyes widened.

''You look beautiful Katniss, really'', he said giving me a peck on the cheek.

''You don't scrub up too bad yourself'', he was dressed similar to Rye, but with a white shirt instead. Peeta bent down to Willow.

''And don't you just look wonderful my dear'', he said prodding her in her ribs.

''Daaad, stop!'' She giggled.

''Come on, we should leave.'' I said. We all headed outside into the car which was taking us to the train station. We arrived quickly and we made it onto the train with time to spare. The train announcer said we'd be in the heart of the Capitol within an hour and a half, so it gave us all time to grab something to eat. We were all in the lounge space when Peeta came over.

''I was meant to give you these earlier, but I didn't have a chance''. He pulled out a small velvet box and handed it to me. Inside were a beautiful pair of crystal earrings.

''Peeta they're beautiful, thankyou'' I whispered in shock. They truly were perfect.

''They have fire agate in them''

''They have a what now? '' I said, slightly confused.

''Fire agate'', he said again. ''It's meant for energy, warmth, strength and courage. You have so much already, but I know you struggle sometimes.'' A huge smile crept up my face, he looked at me, a glint of hope in my eye that I'd like it. I leant forwards and kissed him deeply.

''I love it and I love you Peeta''.

''I love you too, always.''

''Always.'' I said back. Afterwards, as we were making our way into the bar cart, Peeta's hand resting on my hip, and the children hanging on either one of our hands, he leant round and whispered in my ear,

''You really do look beautiful''.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now