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That night Peeta and I lay awake in bed, just holding each other's hands and stroking them in the silence. I turned to my side and stared deep into his blue eyes, even in the dark they still shone bright, full of kindness and full of love. My eyes were locked onto looking at his face, they were making their way down to his jawline when I noticed a small scratch, which I would have never noticed if I hadn't have been staring so intently. My brow furrowed deeply, he must has saw it because he raised his eyebrow.

''Where did you get that scar from down the side of your head, I've never noticed it before you got your hair cut?'', he started to look uncomfortable and that's when I realised. It was from them. ''Oh sh*t, sorry babes'', I say as I nestle my head into him. My nightmares were always full of images of Peeta being beaten and tortured, all because of me. When he'd returned Haymitch told me not to ask 'What has past, has past. There's no need to ask him about what he's gone through sweetheart.' He had said.

''No'', he whispered in the darkness. ''I want you to know'', I felt something heavy in the pits of my stomach, I wasn't and never would be ready to hear this. ''That was from when it had first started, some peacekeepers came in asking all sorts of questions'', he took a deep breath, his voice wavering ''and I didn't know the answers, that's when they got their canes out and started beating me into the corner, I kept trying to tell them 'I don't know, I don't know', but they didn't believe me.'' His body was shaking by now.

''Peeta, shh. It's okay you don't have to tell me. I'm here. It's over.'' I said stroking down his back.

''They didn't believe me Katniss'', he'd completely broken down, tears were erupting from his eyes ''They-they-they called me a liar and that's when they started smashing me into the walls, my face got caught an electric taser which had pins stuck out to beat us with I-''

''Peeta, stop I'm telling you. Don't make yourself feel like this. It's over baby, it's over come here. Shhh'' I say. I hated hearing of what they did to him, and even worse because it was my fault. ''Im so sorry Peeta, im so- so sorry'', I hug him, weeping into his chest until we both fall asleep.

Early morning we were awoken by a screaming Willow. ''DAAAAAAD'', her screams send shivers down my spine every time. Immediately we both jump up from bed and rush into her room, where we see her in the corner of her bed, tears streaming down her face. Peeta rushes over and holds her tight.

''Willow, what's up whats happened darling'', I frantically say as I climb into her bed holding her as well and stroking her hair.

''I-I had a nightmare and there was this man and he was saying that you both were going to pay and I had to choose who would live and I couldn't and he shot you both and oh mum'', she says collapsing into yet another pool of tears.

''Shhh, shhh. It's alright, we're here my love. You wanna see something? Come here.'' Peeta picks her up and takes her over to her window opening her curtains, where a radiant sunrise burns orange. ''Look at that, it's incredible isn't it. All those colours, look at them, don't worry about anything else, we're both right here with you, it's okay Willow, it's okay''. They both stare out to the sunset and after a while she's calmed down.

''Hey, I've got an idea shall we go walk to the meadow and have breakfast seeing as nobody's sleeping anytime soon and if you want sweetheart I'm sure daddy will let you take his easel to paint if you'd like, but you'll have to ask him extra nicely'', I say giving her a hug and a quick wink before I go to get a quick shower. I'm just finished showering and putting a dress on when Peeta comes into the room, wearing a plain white shirt and same jeans.

''You look beautiful Katniss'', he says wrapping his arms around me.

''You don't look too bad yourself were great earlier- with Willow I mean- she really loves you, I can tell'', I say.

''I know she does and I love her, both of them'', I spin around to face as his lips brush against mine.

''EWWWW, do you guys have to it's so early'', Willow says as she giggles peeking around the door. I run after her sweeping her off of her feet and start to tickle her.

''Well missy you shouldn't have been peeking come on let me go change your brother and we can go.'' Once everything was sorted we walked up the hill, the sun still rising over the horizon.

''Ahhh, father it's so beautiful.'' She says clasping her hands in awe.

''I know, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen', Peeta replies turning to face me and a small smile creeping up his face. Mockingjays flew through the sky, whistling to one another as we found a place to sit.

''Mumm, can I?'' Willow said pleadingly.

''Of course you can my dear'' I said. She opened her mouth and out came what now was Rye's lullaby.

''Deep in the meadow, under the willow''...

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now