Special Moments

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That morning I slept in until late. I'd had a sleep, for the first time in weeks, which wasn't plagued with nightmares. I woke to the sound of voices coming from the kitchen, I turned to face Peeta who was already up and so I made my way into the kitchen. ''Ah, here she is'', said Peeta. Willow, Rye, Peeta and my mother were all sat there enjoying a late breakfast.

''Morning everyone'', I said sleepily, smiling at Peeta. My mother got up to hug me and soon enough I could smell her flowery scent. ''How are you?'' I mumbled into her silky blonde hair.

''I'm good, missing you though. How are you darling?'' She asked, as she stroked my braid, which I'd left in overnight.

''Yeah well you've got Willow and Rye for a couple of days, they're so excited, I'm good, I'm happy actually.'' I said, and it was true, for the first time in a long while I was happy and content with my life.

''Yes, well I've got a lot planned, erm is it ok if Hazelle sees them?'' She asks almost hesitantly.

''Yes, of course it is, I know she'd love to see them'', my mother gives me a small smile, happy that I've agreed to let her see them. After I'd showered, I put on a plain blue dress and left my hair in its braid. I walked into the front room where everybody was sat down, talking. I went over and sat next to Peeta, who as jiggling Rye on his knee, up and down. My mother was sat with Willow, who was telling her all about her 'fancy dress' which she'd worn to the Hawthorne's.

''Oh I heard all about it my love'', they carried on talking for ages. I sat there watching them, I sometimes wonder if my mother would have loved the relationship she had with Willow to have been the same with me when I was a child. I pretty much blocked her out and we never had that bond until later on.

''Can you say, erm, daddy is my favourite?'' Peeta said looking down at Rye with a silly expression on his face.

''Da-da, is my fa-favourite'', he hadn't quite pronounced the favourite right, but it was close enough. Rye squealed with excitement as he received praise from Peeta, his grey eyes glowing. Willow got up to come join in, followed by my mother.

''Rye, can you say smelly socks'', Willow said.

''Hey you, don't be a bad influence'', said Peeta prodding her in the stomach, making her laugh.

''Smelly, soooooocks!'' Rye screeched, loud enough for the whole village to hear probably. We all smiled and laughed at his sweetness. I turned on the TV to 'Panem News', where there was an emergency notice from a young man, who wasn't Caesar. ''It's with great sadness that the legendary Caesar Flickerman, has passed away. The famous presenter died last night in his apartment and Panem News will never be the same again. Let's take a look a few of his best moments''. As a montage went across the screen, there were many of his 'best bits', including some interviews with past tributes.

''Such a loss, he was a great man'', said Peeta.

''Yes, he was'', my mother agreed. The montage carried on and I thought of time and how quickly it passes, suddenly an ever so familiar laugh came out of the screen, ''Ah, the star-crossed lovers of District 12'', I looked over to Peeta and gave him a smile, he held out his hand and I took a hold of it, knowing mentally I'd never have to let go.

''Dats Mummy and Da-Da-Daddy.'' Rye said giggling. ''Star cwossed wuvers of distwict 12'', he gurgled in a high pitched voice and then collapsing into a bundle of laughter. We all start laughing at him, his whole face was lit up.

''Yes, that's right my boy. I love you so much do you know that? And you Willow'', he looked around at everyone ''all of you.'' Caesar Flickermen was dead, yet we had just witness such a joyous moment with Rye talking almost properly.

''Come on then kids'', Said my mum, standing up. ''We should get going, it's a long way back home.'' Willow leaped up excitedly and we got up to say goodbye.

''Wait, their cases!'' I said, worrying that we'd forgotton to pack.

''Don't worry, they're in the taxi already.'' I gave my mum another hug. ''I'll see you later darling''.


''Yes sweetheart?''

''I, I just missed you.'' She gave me another hug, followed by one from Willow and Rye too. We watched them all walk down the path.

''Hey missy, aren't you forgetting something?'' Peeta shouted after Willow.

''I love you both, always!'' She yelled down the gravel.

''Awaaays'', squealed Rye.

''Always'', I whispered as the door swung shut.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now