Gone Forever

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We'd been in the Capitol for 2 days now, it was night and we were all going out for a goodbye meal. I slipped on a cream dress, with a tint of gold, it fell just past my knees and was tight at the waist. I didn't particularly think much of it, one of the stylists brought it out for me, it was meant to be flattering. It wasn't Cinna's creation and so I couldn't even feel beautiful, never mind as radiant as the sun. I finished applying some simple eye shadow and Peeta knocked on the door. ''We're about to leave now, wow, you um look amazing'' He said, staring intently at me.

''Ha, I wish I felt it.'' I sneered.

''You should do, because you look beautiful'', his hand slipped around my waist, which tingled at his touch. We went down the stairs where Haymitch and Effie were both waiting. They both looked so good together, Haymitch was wearing a tie the same blue as her dress.

''Come on then guys or we'll be late'', the car journey went by in a comfortable silence, until we arrived at a very expensive looking restaurant. We immediately got shown to our table and within 10 minutes the house special was placed infront of us. A lamb steak, with creamy mash and honey-glazed carrots.

''Oh, did you hear about poor Caesar?'' Effie asked sadly.

''Yeah, we saw it on the news, but they didn't mention how he died.'' Peeta said, clearing his throat.

''It was a terror attack, you know how after you were rescued? Apparently he didn't do a good enough job of covering what happened to you up, they had him for a while, but I guess he just got worked up and had a heart attack, which is just terrible really.'' Effie told us, with an ounce of pity in her voice.

''Buut, he was getting on a bit. So I think that's what got him most'', Haymitch quickly added, giving Effie a not so discrete look.


It was the next morning and time for us to leave, we were all stood in the lobby, and the visit had gone well. No nightmares, no flashbacks, just a thousand memories. All throughout the trip Peeta had started to get anxious, but I soon calmed him down and he was fine.

''Thanks for having us you two'', Peeta said, hooking his free arm around Effie's neck, hugging her.

''Oh you're welcome. Oh Katniss, come here'', she totted over on her heels and gave me a hug. ''I'll see you soon my dear and tell that Willow of yours not to run off with any more strange boys and that I'll be having words with her''. We were both walking down the path when we heard footsteps coming up behind us.

''No goodbye for me?'', I heard Haymitch's gruff voice say. I hugged him tight and before I let go he pulled me back. ''You know when I said how you could never deserve him?'' This was years ago, why was he bringing this back up now? ''Well, I didn't mean it. You're good, you both are. Take care my love'', I smiled at him and then we were on the way home. Once we had got back Peeta went straight to work, leaving me in the house alone for a few hours. I had nothing to amuse myself with, so I ended up going through every room and cleaning. I had just finished cleaning the kitchen when someone knocked on the door. I opened it up to see Gale.

''Hey, come in'' I said, opening the door wider. We hadn't seen each other for a couple of weeks and we never really got chance to talk. ''Do you want some lemonade and strawberries?'' I asked giving him a wink.

''Katniss, I'm not 17 anymore...but seeing as you're offering yes please'', Gale slumped down on the sofa and tilted his head back, staring at the ceiling.

''What's up?'' I asked after noticing his furrowed brow.

''Nothing, I don't know why I'm here. I just wanted to see you'', he admitted.

''Oh'', something rang through my head 'I'm in pain, that's the only way I can get your attention'. Was he feeling lost? ''Why me?''

''Well because it's just you Katniss, that's why.'' I thought for a while about potentially having Gale back in my life, we'd all been seeing a lot more from each other recently- but the thought scared me. What if I could never trust him again? I wanted to- but I couldn't force myself.

''Come on, what's this really about?'' I asked him.

''You. I miss you that's what.''

''You've managed all this time without me, so why only now do you miss me?''

''I thought I'd managed, until I saw you again at Annie's and everything came flooding back'', he must have seen my face but he suddenly added ''No, not that. I'm over you, just I miss when we were friends, before I ruined it all, before the arguments, I miss the memories.'' It pained me to say this, but it was true.

''That's all they are, memories. Listen Gale, things can't go back to how things were, I have Peeta and we have the kids, they're my priorities, not lost friendships. I'm still going through a lot and maybe on the way we can build it back up, but the repair isn't going to be instant. I do want to be friends, I want to know your family, but right now I have to put myself first.'' His eyes looked down in despair.

''I know that, I'm glad. You never put yourself before anything- listen I don't care how long it takes I just want my best friend back, I know I hurt you and you have no idea how sorry I am.''

''Yeah, I know you are. I'm glad we've talked about this. Shall we start now? You know, as friends?'' I suggested. To be honest I didn't feel completely the same way, I remember the memories, and they were great, but I can't help but notice the bad ones too. The ones where he'd intentionally go against me, but maybe things would be different. He too was only young and dealing with same, just like the rest of us. It would be nice to get on with him and know his children, plus I think Peeta and him were starting to get on.

''I'd love to, but I should get back. I'll see you later.'' He stood up and started walking to the door, no goodbye?

''Gale'', I shouted after him. He turned around and I hugged him. His arms wrapped around my shoulders, they stayed there for a little too long, until with no words he turned and walked down the path. Maybe until next week, but maybe forever...

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now