Through The Children's Eyes

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Willow's POV

I walked down the pathway, my eyes squinting slightly from the glare of the sun. Oh my god, I was out with Finn. I mean of course I'd been out with him, our families are as close and close can be, but this time it was different, we were away from them and it was just us. ''My fishing gear's in the back of my car, so we can hop in and drive down if that's ok?'', He asked. I just nodded my head, my hair falling in front of my face and a strange feeling overcoming me- was this shyness? From somebody I'd known all my life? I climbed up into his truck, my foot slipping on the step. ''Whoops, careful you'', he said, placing my foot back on the step and then helping me in. I hadn't realised he was so close behind me.

''Oh, thankyou'', I said. Almost whispering, a small smile creeping up the side of my face.

''Anytime'', he said, as he made his way around the front the car to get in, giving me that ever so charming smile. We drove down to a small cove in a comfortable silence, once the engine had stopped he immediately ran around the front of the car before I'd had chance to even take my seatbelt off. His hand reached out and opened the door for me, Finn grabbed my arm and helped me down. We went to his boot and he pulled out a huge bag full of his fishing stuff. Wait did I forget to mention his hand had moved down my arm and his fingers were now entwined with mine? I know, crazy. We walked down to the cove where there was a shallow pool of water and fish swimming around.

''Do you want a go?'' He asked as his trident pierced through a fish. Finn's body was stood up straight and strong, his muscles flexing as his trident thrust forwards.

''No thanks, I'd probably end up killing myself'', I joked. But he didn't laugh back. I then realised what I'd said. His dad. ''Oh for god sake. I sure know how to put my foot in my mouth. Finn I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that I ju-'', he stared intently at me, not showing any emotion.

''It's fine, it's fine. Seriously'', he said smiling slightly his teeth pearly white. He stayed staring, as if he was trying to work something out.

''Why are you staring at me?'', I asked, feeling all of sudden self-conscience in his gaze.

''Nothing, you just look happy, I like that.'' He said. He came over and sat down beside me on the rocks. We were both leaning back on our arms. He shuffled a little closer so our fingers touched slightly.

''I didn't mean to say that, it just came out. I didn't think.'' I said.

''Shh, stop apologising Wills, its fine. I promise.''

''People make a lot of promises these days'', I said as I stared out to sea.

''Your mum and dad by any chance?'' He said, raising his eyebrows.

''Well yes, but no. I mean they make them a lot but I think it's because they just want to feel secure- they never had that'', I thought of all the promises they'd both made, to me, to Rye, to each other. Everything was so unpredictable years ago, there wasn't any point of promises, because anything could happen. It did happen. To my aunt, and to Finnick.

''They just don't want to lose you, that's all. My mum makes them all the time'', his eyes diverted to the ground and he looked so lost and lonely. I'd always only ever seen the charming side of him, but deep down I knew Finn was a person who dealt with much more than that. ''Do you think you can miss someone you never met?'' he asked after a while.

''I'm sure you can, is this about your dad?'' I asked.

''Yeah, I guess, I just, well, there's this hole and no matter how hard I try I can't fill it, I can't put myself back together. I wish I'd have met him, but look at me. Why would he want a son like this anyway?'' he said, gesturing at himself.

''I understand, that's me without my Aunt Prim, mum goes on about her all the time and I feel like I'm missing out, missing her from well my life. But Finn, listen'', I turned his head to look me in the eye, my hand on his face staring into his lost eyes. ''Your dad is up there, and he is proud to call you his son, we're all proud of who you've become.'' I hadn't realised how close we were sitting, inches away. I could feel his heat radiating from his body, we stared into each other's eyes, the eyes of lost children, the children of Panem's heroes. He leaned forward, lips inches apart, his brow furrowed slightly as if he was working something out, but whatever it was went as quickly as it came because I suddenly felt his lips on mine, soft, plump. He kissed me, his hands a hold of my hair,wet from the sea, but I didn't care. I wished I could freeze this moment and live in it forever.
A/N- This is, and I quote 'for Elv's sake' , Willow is about 13- she isn't 4 (cough elvidia) or 7 etc. She is a bit of a 'daddy's girl' and acts younger than she is around her parents, but different when she's with her friends etc. Everything will become clearer soon *cough* sequel- wait what?
P.S. You should all go check out Elvidia's books because she is an amazing writer, very unique and amazing storylines! Her user in wattpad is: nothingbutlife

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