A/N- Thankyou!!

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So, that's it everyone. 'Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue' Is finsihed!

Okay, so I just want to say a massive thankyou to everyone who has read my fanfiction. I never thought I'd have 10 reads never mind 5.14K !! Thats just crazy, I hope you enjoyed reading my interpretation on Katniss and Peeta's lives after the epilogue- I enjoyed writing it and receiving all your feedback, it's so strange to think that people actually enjoyed reading this!:-)

If you want to know any questions just ask but I will be writing a sequel I think after my exams, based a few years on with a couple other POV'S, so maybe some more parts from Willow's POV and most definitely Peeta's! :-) This probably wont come for a couple of months, as i will be incredibly busy, but I just thought I'd let you all know.

I will be writing some other stories (not always THG related, however there may be a couple), but they wont be updated as frequently, due to me having a lot of revison. I won't be starting this series up again for a little while as I want this series to be the one I work on the most, e.g the longest chapters, best storyline, I want to give it most of my attention, as for a first story I'm really proud of how it went!

Anyway, thankyou all so much for reading guys and your support, both constructive critisimn and praise. I also want to make a special mention to my very good friend Elvidia ( aka nothingbutlife) as she was here when i'd only written two chapters! You all need to read her fanfics because they are so good, there's so much everlark feels- but in ways you wouldn't always suspect, she's a truly gifted writer so head on over there, because quite frankly her talent astounds me- she's amazing and the support she's given me through this is something I won't forget. So do me a favour and go show her some love and read her stuff, you'll be hooked I promise! This chapter and this story is dedicated to you Elv:-)

Thankyou everyone again!


-Karis X


Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now