The Train

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''Come on guys we need to get to the train station before the paparazzi get wind we're leaving'' Peeta shouts as he wheels our suitcases out to our taxi. Willow skips ahead infront while I quickly lock up and carry Rye out into the car.

''Mummy where are we going?'' Willow asks desperately and full of excitement.

''Ah, well if I told you it wouldn't be a secret would it?'' I reply smiling at her, trying not to laugh at how frustrated she looks at not being able to know.

''Daaaad?'', she looks at Peeta with a smile, which normally wins him over.

''No sweetheart, your mother says I'm not allowed to tell you''. I lean forward and smack him playfully.

''Hey don't put the blame on me, we planned this beach trip together''. A huge gasp leaves Willows mouth and I realise I let it slip, she simply just looks at me with a smug grin on her face. When we finally get to the train station the train is ready and waiting, with only a few paparazzi there so we can quickly get on. The train attendant smiles warmly at us all and shows us our lounge suite, it's truly beautiful. Mahogany book cases, a red velvet sofa and a fire for if it gets cold. They've even taken the time to put in a small crib for Rye to take a nap and a little bedroom for Willow. She runs through the suit, gasping and squealing with excitement.

''Mother, look how wonderful my room is'', she says as she strokes her purple silk curtains.

''It's lovely isn't it? Hey, why don't you take a nap for the journey it'll be a good few hours before we get there and we woke early today'', you can see the disappointment in her eyes at the fact she has to sleep, but I know she's tired so she'll fall quickly enough. I turn around to talk to Peeta to see him lifting and throwing Rye gently in the air. My heart melts at the sight of them two together every time, he's a great father. ''Hey honey, why don't you put him down for a nap and we can watch a film or something later?'' I suggest.

''Film now, something later'', he says giving me that ever so perfect smile and chuckling to himself. He sets Rye down in his cot, but for some reason he just won't settle. I walk over and start singing him an old lullaby.

''Deep in the meadow, under the willow'', I sing. Peeta's arms once again, slide around my waist as he joins in singing with me ''a bed of grass, a soft green pillow'', by the time we've finished Rye is fast asleep and we just stare at him for a while. After about 5 minutes we both go and sit on the sofa, me resting on Peeta's lap looking up at him as he strokes my hair.

''How are we going to tell her?'', I blurt out. He looks down at me, staring into my eyes, those same eyes which I thought I'd never see again.

''It'll be okay Katniss, we'll enjoy our day today and near evening we'll talk to her'', he sees how worried I look. ''Don't worry sweetheart, she'll understand.''

''It'll...It'll break her I... know it will, knowing what we've gone through. You didn't see her this morning, she heard you last night you know'', I manage to spit out, progressively starting to turn my worries into anger.

''Shhh, it's fine'', he starts to stroke my stomach in a circular motion, ''I won't let our little girl fall apart''. I get up from laying down and bury my head into his neck as he gently kisses the top of it.

''Peeta, I love you'', I find myself whispering. I thought he didn't hear, but he whispers it back as I slowly fall asleep in his arms.

I must have been asleep for a while because when I wake up Peeta isn't there. My heart beats at 100 miles per hour as I frantically search the suite... where is everyone? I run into the bar cart to see them all sat at a table and my heart slows down. ''Hey you, sorry I didn't want to wake you. You better get your stuff together we're nearly there'', I look out the window and see the waves crashing against the shore- we were here. The attendant notifies us we've arrived in district 4 and that we'll swiftly be reaching the platform soon where our taxi is waiting. As we step off of the train, we're quickly ushered into the car as camera lights flash from every direction.

''Mummy where are we going now?'', Willow asks excitedly.

''Well, I thought before we check in at the hotel we could go see Aunt Annie, yes?'' Yet another squeal leaves Willows mouth as we turn into the victors village.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now