Chapter 17

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Dad took a seat at the head of the table, his face grave. I shared a worried glance with Fred. The silence was overwhelming. McGonagall was here, along with all of the Weasleys, Hermione, Alex, Chandler, Kate, and her parents. Uncle Remus and Tonks were still gone, which really made me nervous. They should've been back by now.

Dad cleared his throat loudly. Even though none of us had been talking, the room seemed to grow silent. This silence was deadly - it was too much noise to even breathe.

"As we all know," he stood as he began to speak, "Severus has betrayed us." Kate stiffened in her seat. She looked ready to run because she knew that this also meant that Draco had betrayed us. The very thing she was fighting for is the thing he's fighting against. I couldn't imagine... I looked at Fred, who was sitting bravely next to me. Suddenly I was very thankful for him. I mean, I've always treasured our friendship, but this was different. I'd never know the heartbreak Kate's feeling and I'm grateful. That doesn't mean that I don't feel guilty or horrible that this has happened. After all, he's my cousin and he did this to her and also, my boyfriend is sitting right next to me. And hers... well... none of us really know where he is. 

"How do we proceed?" Mrs. Weekes, Kate's mother, asked in a shocked whisper. Dad sighed heavily. He looked exhausted and stressed. Had his hair always had so much gray in it? 

"Honestly, I don't know," he replied tiredly. Dad ran a hand through his hair and shook his head slowly. "Anyone have any ideas?" he asked lightly. Clearly, he was trying to lighten the mood, but it didn't work.

McGonagall sighed. "What about Potter?" I glanced at Ginny, then Ron, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley before I settled my gaze on Dad. His eyes met mine. He was just as torn as the rest of us. But he and I knew something the others didn't. Harry had confided in us about his, Ron's, and Hermione's plans to drop out of Hogwarts next year. We were the only ones. 

"We'll figure something out, Minnie. I promise." The two of them shared a serious look. For once, she didn't correct him on her name. I felt as though I was focusing on all the wrong things.

"What about Mr. Malfoy?" she asked hesitantly, trying not to react to Kate's strangled cry. She shot up out of her chair and bolted from the room. Her parents stood to follow, but I was quicker. "I've got it," I told them quietly, running after her.

Kate was already out the door and halfway down the street. 

"KATE!" I shouted, my feet thudding painfully on the pavement. My heart felt like it was gonna burst straight through my chest. She turned the corner that led to an abandoned building. I hurried after her, following her straight into the huge, scary building. 

"Kate, please stop running!" I shouted, wheezing as I struggled to catch my breath. My best friend turned, wide-eyed and brokenhearted. I sighed sadly and motioned for her to sit. "Talk to me."

She stared at me blankly. "It should be obvious."

"Well, it is. But when someone's hurting, you wait for them to talk. But... you've been silent for too long. Kate, it's not good to keep this stuff to yourself."

Her brow furrowed as her eyes slid from mine to focus on something else. We sat in silence for a long time. I kept waiting for her to cry or to yell or do something, but she never did. So I just sat patiently. I counted the cracks in the wall across from us and the lines in the floor. She was so patient with me when Fred and I had that huge fight those years ago, so I would be patient now. That's what real friends do.

I soon grew tired of counting things, so I laid my head back and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, I didn't see the dark building. I saw a ceiling fan. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. After a quick scan of the room, I realised it was Fred's. It wasn't like his room at the Burrow, so it must be at the flat.

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