Chapter 37

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*Warning - this chapter has mature content. Nothing too detailed, but it's clear what's going on. The next time you see bold means it's over. Please don't read if this kind of stuff makes you uncomfy <3*

I woke the next morning to the sound of the shower running. I rolled over and stared at the empty space next to me, then looked to the bathroom door. I wonder if he's okay after last night. I don't even know if I'm okay after last night. I never knew that Molly could be like that to her own children. I never knew she could think I would be so cruel as to fake my own death. My father would be livid if he knew that - which is why I'm not telling him. The less he knows the better off he is. 

The shower shut off suddenly, startling me slightly. What startled me even more, however, was when Fred flung the door open. I shrieked and slapped my hands over my eyes as he stepped out completely naked. He screamed too, followed by a loud thud. I'm too scared to open my eyes to see what happened. 

After a few beats of silence, I peeked out through my fingers and yelped as I covered my eyes again. "Why are you still naked?!" I shouted, finally just covering my face with a pillow. "Why are you yelling?!" Fred cried, shuffling some things around frantically. "Because I just woke up and-and then there you stand, completely naked!" I replied shrilly.

Fred sighed exasperatedly and said, "Well, I have a towel on now." I moved the pillow slightly and removed it completely when I saw he wasn't lying. "Why did you step out of the bathroom completely naked?" 

"Well, it's partly because I'm still getting used to sharing a room with you and also because I forgot a towel," he replied, searching the closet for something to wear. He turned around again once he had his outfit and smiled weakly. "Of all the ways I thought the first look would go, that was definitely not it."

 I snorted and laughed nervously. "Yeah, me either." He laughed too, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand. "Fred!" I shouted when he let go of the towel. Surprisingly, it didn't fall. "I used magic to hold it up," he explained. "Not taking any more chances today." I laughed again and fell back against the bed. I peered up at him and raised an eyebrow. "So... it's out of the question for today orrrr...?"

Fred blinked rapidly and tilted his head down. "A-are you serious?" I shrugged, turning my eyes away from him slowly, then back again. "I mean, maybe." His cheeks turned pink as he looked anywhere but at me. "Well... then... then I  guess it wouldn't be o-out of the question," he stammered. I grinned and tossed the blankets aside. The movement caught his attention and he watched me intently as I got out of bed and wandered over to him.

"So, you won't mind if I do... this...?" I asked, brushing my lips against his as I did so. I slid my hands down his chest slowly, going down his stomach and stopping just above the towel. His breathing hitched as I ran my fingers along the skin just above the towel. He pressed his lips against mine, only to whine slightly when I pulled away and removed my hands from his waistline. 

I grinned evilly as I backed away. I took in his unhinged appearance - the way his eyes had darkened, his pupils dilated, the way his shoulders are heaving from breathing so heavily, and his tousled hair (which he did in the shower). 

"That wasn't nice," he grumbled, grabbing at his towel. I smirked and said, "I don't play nice." His eyes darkened once more and he shook his head. "I don't either." I shrugged carelessly and sauntered over so I was in his face again. "May the best person win," I purred, watching as his pupils dilated further. I ran my tongue across my lips, smirking when he followed the movement.

I sighed and turned away, my smirk growing when he groaned. "You're going to be the death of me, woman," he muttered as he went into the bathroom. "But you love me anyway!" I shouted as I flopped onto the bed. His response was muffled by the door, but I smiled to myself anyway. I'd gotten under his skin and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll definitely pay for it later, but it's quite wonderful for now.

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