Chapter 24

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The happiness I'd felt on Christmas left with the Weasley family. They couldn't stay any longer than a day because both of our families are at risk of getting in BIG trouble. January and February passed in a dull blur. It's now March and the war is steadily raging on. I can tell by the feeling in the air when the Order has its meetings that things are about to get so much worse. We just don't know when.

I absently played with my promise ring as I stared out the window. Staring out the window became my new favourite thing to do since being stuck in the house (obviously sarcasm). Yesterday's snow was already beginning to melt. The icicle outside my window was dripping steadily, tapping out a dull rhythm on the ground beneath it.

"MJ." I jumped and spun around to face the doorway. "Sorry," Dad said, sighing defeatedly. "Can you come downstairs for a minute? There's something you should hear." The solemn look on his face scared me more than I ever thought possible. "Is everyone okay?" I whispered, scanning his face hopefully.

He avoided my gaze and replied, "Just... come downstairs, please." I frowned and slowly followed him downstairs. 

To my immense relief, I found all of my people - except Remus and Tonks - in the kitchen. I took a seat between Fleur and Molly. Fred tried to get my attention, but I was focused intently on Dad.

"I received an owl from the Turpin family a few minutes ago, right before the meeting started," Dad began gravely. He met my eyes for a moment before he looked down at the table. My heart dropped into my stomach. I already knew what he was going to say.

"They found Lisa early this morning. She's... gone." Dad's said shakily as he stared straight ahead. "They said she was hard to recognise. They'd tortured and beat her -" a strangled cry left me as I covered my face with my hands "- before they took her life." Dad didn't even look at me as he continued with the meeting. I laid my head down on the table and cried. Another of my best friends - gone.

I felt someone rub my back soothingly, but I couldn't tell which Weasley woman it was. It didn't really matter. Though they meant well, nothing could soothe me in this moment.

"And," Dad continued, sighing heavily. "Ted Tonks has been found dead as well. Remus and Tonks are with her mother right now." I shook my head and felt more tears fall. When would this all end? All the death, the pain, the suffering?

"As for Kate Weekes and Draco Malfoy, they are both doing much better. They still aren't out of the woods, though. They're having to keep a low profile at school." Dad paused for a moment. "That brings this meeting to an end. See you all next time."

The woman to my right, Fleur, hugged me tightly. "We must go, but I wanted to say sorry for your loss," she said in a thick French accent. It had been less noticeable lately, but when she got emotional it was more prominent. I peeked up at her with a smile. "Thanks Fleur." She gave me a sad smile and nodded. "No problem. Us Weasley women must stick together, eh?" She winked and followed Bill out of the kitchen.

Molly hugged me as well and said her goodbyes. Fred was the last to say goodbye. He hugged me tightly and let out a heavy sigh. "I wish I didn't have to leave you," he said as he pulled away. I shrugged. "That's how it has to be though. I wish it wasn't that way." He smiled hopefully. "Someday, we'll be able to have our own house. We'll be safe and this whole war thing will be long gone." I smiled weakly. "Sure."

Fred frowned slightly but didn't press it. "I'm sorry, but I've gotta go love," he said quietly. I nodded. "I know." He sighed and hugged me one last time before he left with George.


Time flew by yet again and we were celebrating Fred and George's birthday. We were actually celebrating it on May first because we had another close call with the Ministry mid-April. There had been multiple Order meetings this week because the war was getting so bad. Somehow, the Ministry caught wind of it and almost caught us again. If we hadn't upped the security around the safe room, they would've gotten me for sure.

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