Chapter 46

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- May 25, 2004 -

As we stepped inside the building, my heart began to race and my palms began to sweat. This is it. Fred grabbed my hand and squeezed tightly, sharing a nervous grin with me. "You ready?" he asked, eyes shifting as he watched the people passing by us. I nodded. "Yeah. I've been ready." He grinned fully and squeezed my hand again. I looked through the sea of people and spotted George by the fountain. "There he is," I said, pointing in his direction. I started off towards him, pulling Fred behind me.

The other twin's face lit up as he spotted us. He gave us a friendly smile as we stopped in front of him. "Hey. What's going on?" Fred and I shared a look and I smiled apologetically at my (soon to be) brother-in-law. "We'll explain everything later," Fred said slowly, looking away at the disappointed expression his brother wore.

George turned to me and I shook my head. "Sorry George. You'll find out the full extent of it soon enough." His brows furrowed as he looked between the two of us. "O...kay?" I sighed and dropped Fred's hand. "Look, we need a witness for our marriage." George's eyes widened considerably. 


Fred smiled sheepishly as we nodded. "Yeah. We decided that we wanted to start trying for kids at the end of the year. With that comes getting a new house and a car and all that stuff, so we're just gonna get married legally and then have the reception later." It was half true, at least.

"And you chose me?!" George exclaimed, his face lighting up once more. "I'm honoured guys!" I laughed as he pulled us into a group hug, squeezing as if his life depended on it. "And honestly that makes so much sense. May and I are having to wait a little longer because of how expensive our wedding was." He shrugged. "We don't regret it though." 

"It was a lovely wedding," I assured him, smiling. "We still want to do something like that. We've just waited so long to have kids and we don't want to miss our chance." George nodded understandingly. "I get that."

The three of us stood in silence for a minute. "So... do we just go now or...?" George asked awkwardly. "OH, yeah," Fred said, snapping out of his trance. "We have an appointment for one, so we can just go ahead this way." George nodded and followed us down a long hallway to the last room on the right.

Fred grabbed my hand nervously and took a deep breath. I knocked on the door and squeezed his hand. George put a hand on my shoulder. I turned back to look at him and saw that his other hand was on Fred's shoulder. He gave me a warm smile and squeezed my shoulder. I smiled back and turned back around when the door creaked open.

An older gentleman stood on the other side, a kind smile on his face. "Fred and Marley?" he questioned, tilting his head at George behind us. "This is our witness, George. He's my twin brother," Fred explained. The man nodded and stepped aside to welcome us in. "Welcome. I'm Gerald, I'm going to be your officiant. You three can have a seat here."

"This is going to be kind of like a regular wedding. The two of you have already applied for your marriage license, I see that from a couple weeks ago," Gerald said, slowly lowering himself into his chair with a huff. He scooted closer and picked up a packet. "We'll all sign this, the license, and we'll go into the reception hall to say the vows. Once everything is complete, you're officially married."

We nodded and each grabbed a pen. Gerald signed a few lines then made a few x's to show us where to sign. I signed first before sliding the papers to Fred. He smiled and signed as well, tilting his head a little as he did. He then slid the papers to George, who also tilted his head as he wrote. He gave the papers back to Gerald and smiled politely.

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