Chapter 11

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"Come on, MJ, you've got this!" Mum cheered as I took my first wavering steps since the accident. Dad was waiting at the end of the walkway to catch me if I fell. It was almost like I was a baby taking her first steps. "Go Jae Jae!" Kailey shouted gleefully, clapping her chubby hands together.

I took another step and groaned at the pain. I hadn't used my legs in a month after having the bones regrown. Not only were my legs stiff, but they had forgotten how to function properly. Much like the fifth years taking their O.W.L.s, they'd forgotten everything they knew how to do. So when I fell for the tenth time today, I just stayed on the ground.

"MJ?" Mum called from the top of the stairs. "I give up!" I cried, slamming my hands on the ground. "Marley Jade, don't you say that," Dad said, coming over and helping me stand slowly. I sighed. "Why not? Clearly I'm not gonna be able to walk again."

Dad sighed and gave me a look as he knelt down on the ground in front of me. "Jade, it's only been a week. The Healer said you should be walking by Wednesday-"

"But tomorrow's Wednesday!" I cried, covering my face with my hands. Dad sighed heavily and replied in an exasperated tone, "Next Wednesday."

I sighed in frustration and removed my hands from my face. "I just want to be normal again!" I turned slowly to face him and Mum again and saw them share a look. "We know and we want the same, MJ, but it's gonna take some time," Dad said, stepping closer to me. "Will you try again?" 

I gave him a look that I hoped said 'absolutely not' but he went and stood at the end of the walkway again anyway. I sighed and held onto the railing on either side of me and gripped them tightly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and summoned all my strength. As I started to move, I felt as though a thousand tiny gnomes were slamming their fists down onto my bones. Instead of crying out like I wanted to, I gritted my teeth and carried on. I took four steps before I had to stop.

"Come on MJ," Dad whispered as I hung my head. My legs were starting to go a bit numb but I couldn't tell if it was from the pain or how long I'd been standing. This is the most I've moved on my own since the accident. I made sure I wasn't going to fall before I continued on. The pain was a little better now but that was probably because of the numbness in my legs. I was a few steps away from Dad when I stumbled and fell. He started toward me but I help up my hands to stop him. I was supposed to have walked it already because I'd started this process a week and a half ago, so this was my first obstacle. I was behind, however, so they pushed my return to school back by a week. I wanted to finish out the school year at school with my friends.

So I pushed myself to my feet again and gripped the railings as tightly as I needed. With a determination that bordered stubbornness, I reached the end of the walkway where Dad stood and instead of collapsing into my chair, I turned around. "MJ, what're you doing?!" Dad shouted, hurrying behind me. "I'm walking this thing again," I replied calmly, pushing myself forward. "MJ, no. Don't overdo it," he said, grabbing my arm and making me stop. I turned and said, "Dad, I was supposed to have this done a week ago. I'm doing this thing so I can go back to normal."

He hesitated, speechless, before letting go. "Go ahead. But don't overdo it." He gave me a warning look and I smiled as I turned around. I made it to my original starting point quicker than expected, then turned and headed back to Dad again. This time I collapsed into my chair and tried to catch my breath.

"What was that?" Mum asked as she and Kailey rushed over. I laughed and replied, "Stubbornness." Dad went to stand behind the chair as he and Mum laughed. "No, what're you doing?" I asked, putting my hands on the wheels to stop us from going anywhere. He gave me a confused look and replied, "Inside...?" I tried to stand but Mum pushed me back down gently. "I think it's great you're walking more, but don't overdo it. Once you've had time to rest after this, you can walk around the house if you think you can."

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