Chapter 27

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I stared at my old house without blinking. This could not be happening. Kailey dragged her bags through the front door and grunted from the effort. Dad and the twins passed me, each carrying or dragging their own bags.

"Move, Kailey," Dad said annoyedly. His annoyance was with me, though, not her. He helped her move her bags after another frustrating moment and turned back to me. "Are you coming inside at all today, Marley?" His attempt to sound calm didn't work.

I shrugged. Dad rolled his eyes. "Be difficult if you want, but you're not living in Lyon by yourself. You can't keep running from your pain." I shrugged again. He shook his head and kept dragging bags in. A car drove by slowly behind me, but I didn't turn to look at it.

Suddenly, I started dragging my bags inside. I wanted to go to Diagon Alley, and I knew if I started cooperating it would be easier to convince Dad. Especially if I wanted to go alone.

I lugged my bags through the door and up the stairs. They were too heavy to lift, so I let them bang each step on the way up. There's nothing breakable in them anyway.

Dad watched me with a wary suspicion. He knew I was up to something.

I tossed the bags onto my old bed. I briefly marveled at how clean it was despite no one living here for so long. "Dad!" I shouted as I raced back downstairs. "Yes, Marley?" he said quietly, pulling James out of my way.

"Can I go to Diagon Alley... alone?" I asked, ignoring the hurt look on Kailey's face. Dad raised an eyebrow. "Why alone?" I shrugged. "I just need time to think. Plus, I might find some old friends..." I trailed off, allowing the offer to sink in. Of course I'm not going to find old friends. I'm just looking for an excuse to get out of this miserable house. Too many memories.

Dad sighed. "Fine. But be back at a reasonable time, okay?" I nodded and rushed toward the door. "And next time you're taking Kailey with you!" he shouted as I closed the door behind me. A few seconds later, I was standing in Diagon Alley.

I made my way down the street slowly, noticing all the old shops and even the newer ones. I seen many school age kids eyeing the newest brooms, or younger kids practically drooling over the wands and spellbooks. They'd have their turn. I turned away from them. I remember being just as excited as them. And look how it all turned out.

As I topped the hill, I caught sight of a shop that made my heart drop. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Or at least that's what I think the sign says, I can't really see it at a distance.

My legs carried me straight to it as if they had a mind of their own. I made no conscious decision to enter the store, it just kind of happened.

Once inside, I felt like I'd been hit by a ton of bricks. Reminders were everywhere, but everything was so different than before. They'd rearranged the shop and added new things and taken away old things as well. It was strange.

I turned my head and a memory flashed by in my head. Fred and I were stocking the shelves when I had dropped one of the boxes. We'd laughed and fixed it quickly, often throwing something at the other or punching them lightly. I shook my head as the memory left as quickly as it came.

My eyes were drawn to a section with a banner titled "In Memory Of." As I looked over the figurines, I saw different variants of the Fallen Fifty. I found a few of the twins, and even myself (the three of us were always together in the figurines), and turned away. As I looked around the store, voices began to float down the staircase.

I looked up and saw George and Ron coming down the stairs. I ducked behind a display at the last second. I caught my reflection in the glass case. They wouldn't recognise me - not the way I look now. There was no reason to hide.

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