Chapter 45

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My knee bounced nervously and I clung tightly to Fred's hand. Every second that passes is agonising. He squeezed my hand reassuringly as yet another set of footsteps passed by our door. I stared blankly at the floor, watching every shadow that passed by. From the corner of my eye, I can see Fred staring at me. Poor guy, I don't think he knows what to do. Quite frankly I don't know what would help either.

Finally a shadow darkened the bit of space between the floor and the door. The handle twisted loudly and my stomach turned as well. I looked up at the doctor as she entered. She smiled as she took a seat and I returned it nervously.

"Good evening Miss Black, I'm Dr. Mintz. How're you feeling?" Her voice is very upbeat and her expression friendly and cheerful. I like her.

"I'm alright. Just very nervous," I replied shakily, squeezing Fred's hand again. Dr. Mintz smiled sympathetically. "I bet." She turned her chair towards us and glanced back at the computer.

My heart sped up in my chest. I know the answer. I knew the answer as soon as I left the wedding. Fred squeezed my hand tightly as she smiled at the both of us.

"We ran all of the routine tests and stuff earlier just to rule everything else out. Everything looked totally okay and you're in good health, Miss Black." I nodded and took a deep breath. I wiped my free hand on my jeans. I hope my sweaty palm isn't too gross for Fred. Maybe part of it is from him too.

Dr. Mintz took a deep breath as well. "Your pregnancy test came back positive." And there it is. Our whole world got turned upside down just like that. A strangled noise left Fred and I completely froze. Dr. Mintz's smile faltered. 

"I know it's quite a shock, so I'll explain your next steps while you process." I nodded numbly. I peeked over at Fred, whose jaw is slack and eyes are unfocused. 

"Before you leave today, I can find out how far along you are. This process, thanks to our magical improvements this procedure won't be invasive at all." She looked between the two of us seriously. "If you decide this isn't what you're ready for, you do have options. This is a safe space so no worries either way. However, if you are ready we can get you set up for a follow up appointment and the proper prenatal care before you leave today."

Neither of us said anything. I think I kept nodding like a bobblehead the whole time. Dr. Mintz nodded slowly. "Right then. I'll give you two some time and I'll be back in about ten minutes." I nodded mutely to acknowledge I'd heard her. She gave another friendly smile as she left the room.

The silence between us stretched on for a painfully long time. As much as we've talked about it and tried to plan ahead, it's still a shock. I think it would've been the same even if we'd already had our wedding. But now we're gonna have to rethink or replan that. All of the money we saved for the wedding is now going to have to go toward this baby. Not to mention all the babyproofing and finding a new home. We didn't plan to raise children in the flat above the shop. It's not practical.

"Hey," Fred said softly, finally breaking the silence. I slowly turned my head to look at him. His brown eyes are wide, concern twisting his expression as he studied me. "Hey," I echoed quietly. My voice sounded faraway even to myself.

"You okay over there?" he joked weakly, nudging me with his elbow. I gave a small smile as I nodded. "Yeah I guess. You?" He shrugged and sighed loudly. "I dunno. I thought I was ready for this but it's still absolutely terrifying." That made me giggle. Fred smiled for the first time since the news broke, relief washing over his face. "It's like we're sixteen instead of our mid twenties."

"Right," I agreed with another laugh. He ran his thumb over the back of my hand as he stared down at our hands. I can tell he's thinking but I'm not sure what specific thing he's thinking about. 

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