Chapter 3

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The rest of September faded into October and October blended into November, meaning it has now been a month and a half since Harry and I found out about our fathers and their adventures. I always knew that Dad spoke of James, Remus, and Peter, but it never clicked that they were the ones he grew up with -- and got into trouble with.

Professor McGonagall told us that the two that always seemed to get in trouble were dad and James. Uncle Remus usually tried to keep them out of it and whilst Peter was the one that was the most cowardly, he would get a detention every now and then.

But that leads me to more confusion as to why Peter would be involved with what happened to James and Lily. Dad told me the basics but he never went into full detail.

Harry couldn't believe everything he heard and for the rest of the day, he compared our group of friends - him, me, Ron, and Hermione - to them. 

I'd written home to mum and dad telling them about what we'd learned and they wrote back saying that was true. I felt a bit disappointed at the time but pushed it aside because I could find out more at Christmas and I need to focus on my classes.

But currently, those classes are being put on hold because I had to be rushed to the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey was so upset when she seen the state I was in. I'd had to leave transfiguration because I was so out of it, McGonagall asked me what my name was (yes, it was that bad) and I responded with "I don't know, ask the pigeon". Yeah.

Madam Pomfrey gently pulled me away from my support system, Neville and a girl named Hannah Abbott, and put me in bed. 

So far I've been in and out of consciousness and Pomfrey has been trying to figure out what's wrong. She seems to think I've got a really bad sinus infection - thanks winter - and I'm also severely dehydrated and sleep deprived. 

This time when I woke up, it was getting dark outside and there were voices. "I hope she wakes up soon, I've been allowed ten minutes past curfew," one said worriedly, sighing. "I know, I knew something was wrong when she told McGonagall to ask a pigeon for her name," another voice responded, one that I knew belonged to Harry.

I smiled weakly and opened my eyes slowly. I winced at the light, allowing my eyes to adjust before I opened them all the way. 

"Guys?" I whispered weakly, looking at the odd crew in the room. There sat Harry, Fred and George, and the boy from the Great Hall, Stephen.

I smiled again when they all turned their heads to look at me. "I thought you were never going to wake up!" George shouted playfully, apologising when I winced from how loud he was.  

"Did you really tell McGonagall to ask a pigeon for your name?" George asked, an eyebrow raised. "Do I have to ask a pigeon?" Fred teased and I felt a horrible blush spread across my face.

"Shut up, Fred. I know my name, and you all know my name. I was delusional from being sick,"I told them and the twins laughed. "In all honesty, we're glad you're okay," Harry said, smiling at me cheerily. Stephen glanced at the Gryffindors and turned back to me. "Do you want me to get Lisa?" He asked quietly, fidgeting in his chair.

Harry raised an eyebrow when he seen how nervous Stephen seemed to be. I shook my head in response and said, "Not right now. I want all of you to stay. But Stephen, will you let them know I'm in here?" He nodded and smiled, a little more sure of himself now.

Stephen took my hand, which made all the other boys look between us in shock, and smiled. "So, we go to Hogsmeade next weekend... if you're feeling better by then, do you wanna go with me?" He asked, causing my heart to flutter because of how his cheeks flushed once he'd got the sentence out. I smacked George when he started teasing, and glared at the other two Gryffindors when they joined in. "Leave him alone, he's being sweet," I told them, smiling when he blushed again.

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