Chapter 25

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- 3rd POV -

Professor McGonagall met the Weasleys and MJ in the Great Hall. The castle was still and silent. MJ crossed her arms over her chest, glancing around her nervously. She didn't like that it was so silent. The place is usually so full of noise and life that it now seems dull and eerie all at once.

Fred could tell MJ felt weird - so did he. He was worried for her safety more than his. If she gets hurt, he thought to himself, I'll never forgive myself. He shoved his hands in his pockets and froze when he felt the box. A feeling of dread settled into his stomach. What if I'm too late to ask her? he thought nervously, clenching and unclenching his fist around the box.

Bill and Fleur joined the Weasleys and McGonagall, waiting to hear her instructions. They were just as unnerved as the others by the feeling in the air. The war was coming to Hogwarts, whether they were ready or not. Bill looked around at the others, as did McGonagall and Mrs. Weasley, and wondered which of them would be returning home and which of them wouldn't.


Neville lead the trio through the secret passageway, hope blooming in his chest. This is it, he thought excitedly. They've returned to end this.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville entered the Room of Requirement. Harry searched blindly for Ginny. Though he'd broken up with her, he still loved her very much. He knew that she had understood the reason why they'd broken up, but it didn't make it any easier. He still regretted it more than anything else.

His heart soared when he found her talking to Luna. Before he could get her attention, the whole room seemed to catch sight of him.

The three of them were suddenly overwhelmed by the roar of excitement coming from their fellow students. Harry grinned brightly when he seen Ginny making her way through the crowd. She slammed into him and threw her arms around his neck. He hugged her back happily, closing his eyes as he leaned his head on her shoulder. He could stay like this forever.

Ron felt a little disappointed that she didn't hug him first. "I'm her brother," he grumbled quietly. Hermione elbowed him in the ribs, pursing her lips and rolling her eyes. "Leave them be," she hissed under her breath. She thought it was quite sweet.

Ron and Hermione leaned on each other tiredly, unintentionally ignoring Harry asking about Ravenclaw's diadem. They were just happy to be safe and hidden for the moment.


MJ was assigned to a group with Remus, Bill, Kingsley, and Mr. Weasley. Their main objective was to take care of the Death Eaters (a.k.a. destroy them).

They had long since broken through the protective charms the people of Hogwarts had cast. MJ raised her wand against Dolohov, the pair circling each other cautiously.

"You won't be able to do it," Dolohov snarled. MJ raised an eyebrow and tilted her head. If the three men in her group didn't know her so well, they'd have thought she was insane. "You wanna bet?" MJ asked lowly, striking unexpectedly. Dolohov hissed as the curse hit his arm. It burnt a hole through his sleeve and made his skin red.

His lip curled menacingly as he raised his wand. "Protego!" MJ shouted just as he shouted, "Crucio!" Luckily, her spell blocked his just in time.

Mr. Weasley finished off his Death Eater and joined MJ in fighting Dolohov. Together, they finished him off pretty quickly.

A swarm of Death Eaters hurried past them, completely ignoring their existence. MJ looked behind them and her eyes widened. "RUN!" she shouted to the others in her group. They looked behind them and seen the giant army heading toward them. If they didn't move, they were going to be squashed like bugs.

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