Chapter 28

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I haven't talked to anyone since the night I went to the Burrow. It's been a couple weeks since then. Dad has tried to ask me about it, but quickly realised I wasn't going to say anything. Mrs. Weasley hasn't reached out since then, though I'm sure she's dying to. Fred - gosh that's strange - had owled once, but he seems to be feeling just as confused as me.

I sat at my desk trying to figure out what I was going to do. I stared at the letter that Fred sent warily. I put my head in my hands and sighed heavily. How did this even happen?

A loud knock at my door scared me so bad my knee bumped into the dresser. I automatically reached for my wand, but saw Dad's reflection in my mirror. He looked white as a ghost and was visibly upset. My heart dropped and I turned to face him. "What's wrong?"

Dad narrowed his eyes. "There's someone downstairs to see you. Should I send them up?" I frowned and tried to think of who would visit that would have my dad so upset. "Uh, sure?" He nodded curtly, said, "Okay. I'm taking Kailey to meet the train, then. The twins are with me." He paused and added seriously, "We'll talk later." Then it hit me - it was probably one of the Weasleys, and they'd probably said something about what happened.

I turned back toward my mirror and looked at the pictures tucked into the edges. I reached out to grab one of Fred and I the last winter we were together. We were bundled up and out in the snow. He tugged my hair and acted as if he didn't know who did it, while I only rolled my eyes in response. Then the Fred in the picture gave "me" a side-hug and they both laughed when "I" threw some snow in his face. A ghost of a smile flitted across my face in the mirror.

I put it back where it was and met my own eyes in the mirror. They were scary - they were hollow and dull and lifeless. I sighed and caught a flash of movement behind me. I whirled around and saw him standing in the doorway. My heart skipped a beat and thudded painfully. I checked the ears, that's how I know it's him (though I know how to tell them apart anyway), and sighed.

"You scared me," I grumbled, motioning for him to come in. He pressed his lips together in a thin line and awkwardly stepped into the room. "Close the door behind you, please," I said quietly. He looked behind him at the door and hesitated. "What about your dad?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm an adult now," I reminded him. "And he's leaving anyway, and it's not like anything's gonna happen." He nodded and carefully shut the door behind him. He walked over, limping slightly when he used his right leg, and sat on my bed.

"Technically you were an adult the last time we seen each other," he teased weakly. I rolled my eyes. "Seventeen doesn't really count," I said dismissively. Fred sighed. "MJ-"

"It's Marley now," I interrupted briskly, sighing when I seen the hurt look on his face. "Sorry, that was rude." Fred laughed nervously. "Not really, no. You were giving me the name you go by now." He paused, then added, "Why do you go by Marley now?"

I shrugged. "I felt like I needed a fresh start." He seemed to be waiting on me to continue, but when it became obvious that I wasn't responding, he asked, "What happened to you guys after the Battle?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Y'know, like where'd you go? We didn't hear anything from your family after the war."

Again, I shrugged. "Like I said, I needed a fresh start." I looked away from him and added, "We all did." I saw him frown from the corner of my eye. "Marley, can you please tell me your story?" I met his eyes again briefly and looked away again. "I mean, it's like the girl I loved is sitting in front of me, but she isn't at the same time," he explained, watching me carefully. He was trying so hard and I was barely giving him anything. But I caught onto one thing in particular.

"Loved?" I asked quietly, nervous for his answer. Though it will take a while for us to be like we were before, if we ever get to that point, it still hurts to hear the past tense. Fred shook his head. "I've been using the past tense regarding you for the past six years," he said softly. He looked away and back again as he said, "I never stopped loving you."

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