Chapter 5

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Needless to say, there was a lot of red at the dinner table this Christmas.

This time Harry sat with Ron and Hermione, Ginny was in between Hermione and her mother, Mr. Weasley was next to his wife, Mum and Dad next to them, and the rest of us just kind of filled in the empty spaces. 

Of course I got stuck in between Fred and George, which wasn't a bad thing, but it was mildly awkward. Hermione sent a small smile and a wave in my direction but soon went back to rolling her eyes at Ron. I found it odd that Hermione's father wasn't here, but I didn't want to ask. Besides, it was literally none of my business.

George decided to try and prank someone, Percy I think, bur Mrs. Weasley shut it down quickly. "George, not now dear. We're guests, don't be rude," she scolds gently, but you could see the look in her eyes warning him and his brother not to try any other pranks

Fred leaned back in his seat to smirk at his brother, but ducked back down as he met his mother's glare. Mum and Dad shook their heads at the twins, obviously amused. Harry was laughing at something Ron had said, and though Hermione was rolling her eyes, she was smiling too. I shook my head and returned to my food. 

"So, Jade," Fred began with a smirk. "Oh boy," I mutter under my breath, stabbing at my plate. "What's it like having a boy staying in your house?" I pause and look up to the twin on my left. "Excuse me?" He shrugs. "I was just wondering if it was weird having a boy staying in your house that isn't a relative. Especially after.... y'know..." he trailed off awkwardly.

I stiffened. "Fred, I appreciate that you seem to care, but there's nothing awkward about this. It's just like having another family member here. That's all Harry is to me, a brother. It would be different if it were someone like say, Neville or something."

An odd expression crossed Fred's face. "Do you like Neville or something?" I shrug. "Would it be so bad if I did?" I arch an eyebrow when he hesitates with his response. "I guess not, it would just be a bit weird to think of someone having a crush on Neville."

"Did I say it was a crush?" I question, enjoying the fact that I had him all in a tizzy. "No, but-,"

"Okay then, don't assume. I don't have a crush on anyone at the moment, and I don't think I will for a while, but I was just using him as an example because I'm not all that close with him. Honestly, Fred, you'd think I'd told you I wanted to jump off a cliff or something."

George was howling with laughter as  Fred sunk lower in his seat. Dad raised an eyebrow in our direction, but simply shook his head and laughed with George as Fred nearly fell out of his chair. "Careful Freddie," George said, reaching out to his brother to help steady him. "You just might lose your head and what would we do with you then?" 

Fred rolled his eyes, slowly but surely returning to his good spirits. "So, Jade, how's your first year at Hogwarts going so far?" George asked, taking another bite of his food. 

I shrug, looking around at all of my new friends. "Not too bad. I've only really had one friend my entire life, so it's strange to have so many now, but I like it. I'm glad I've made new friends."

The twins beamed and leaned on either side of me. "We're glad you're our friend too. Now, you've gotta help us with our pranks." I shook my head, pushing them both away gently. "No thank you. I don't think Professor Flitwick would take nicely to me getting into trouble."

The twins scoffed. "Really, Black, you care about getting in trouble?" Fred asked, looking at me strangely when he realised I cared very much. "Wow, you actually do care," he mutters, shocked. "Why is that so surprising?" I ask, then turn to glance to where a loud round of laughter was coming from. Dad was goofing off and doing stupid tricks with his want to make the trio laugh. Mrs. and Mr. Weasley laughed too, as did Mum, but Mrs. Granger seemed uncomfortable. She still forced a laugh for Hermione's sake. I looked back to the twins who were smirking suggestively. "That doesn't mean anything," I tell them, though I knew deep down that they'd proven their point.

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