Chapter 9

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The next morning Lisa was shaking me awake. "C'mon, we slept too late to get breakfast, we gotta go catch the train!" She was frantically packing the last bit of her things as I groggily reached for my glasses. "What time is it?" I asked, pushing the blankets off of me and standing slowly. "I honestly don't know, but I can't be bothered with that right now," she replied, sitting on her trunk to get it closed.

"Goodness Lisa, how much are you taking home?" I asked, grabbing a couple clothes from my trunk and standing in the doorway of the bathroom. She simply sent a panicked look my way and I let it go. I changed quickly and came back out to double check I had packed everything I needed into my duffel bag. "Where on earth did you get that?" Lisa asked, staring in awe at the bag. I shrugged. "Mum gave it to me."

Lisa groaned as she turned back to her trunk. "I wish I could find one. I'm tired of lugging this thing back and forth every time we travel." She scanned the room one last time and sighed. "Ready?" I nodded and slung my bag over my shoulder and made sure my trunk was locked securely.

We met Chandler in the common room and thanked him for waiting on us. "You think I'd abandon my only real friends?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at us. Lisa and I shared a look and shrugged. "Yeah, maybe." Chandler rolled his eyes and fell into step next to us. "Well, you thought wrong." 

The process of getting onto the train wasn't easy as people were crowding together and pushing each other in their attempts to reach the train first. "Watch it," an older Ravenclaw snarled at Lisa, earning a glare in response. I pulled Lisa away before she said or did something stupid. "The nerve of some people," she grumbled, glaring nastily at the girl over her shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and got her as far away from the other student as I could before either of them started something. 

Once we finally boarded the train, it was a bit easier to find an empty compartment than it is at the beginning and end of term. We put our things above our heads and settled into the seats. Or rather, Lisa and I did. Chandler stood hesitantly in the middle of the compartment, staring out the glass at something. Lisa and I shared a concerned glance before I spoke up.

"What is it, Chan?" 

He snapped out of his trance. "Just looking for Alex is all." I nodded and replied, "If you need to go look for him, go ahead. He can sit with us too if he wants." Chandler looked relieved. "Really?" I nodded. "Yeah, go make sure he's okay." He darted out without another word.

I laughed lightly at his eagerness and his obvious love for his younger brother. Admittedly, it made me a little jealous. I'd never be able to care for my younger siblings while they were at Hogwarts, not like he can. I turned away from the door to look out the window as we slowly departed from the school.

The door to the compartment opened again and I turned to greet Chandler and Alex, but it wasn't them. Instead, the twins stood there. One looked more frustrated than the other, this one shoving his reluctant twin into the compartment. "Lisa, can you come with me for a minute?" George asked, smiling tightly when she nodded. "Hey, where's Kate?" George had been about to shut the door but he paused to answer my question.

"She's with me, as well as Ginny and the others. I'll bring them back once the two of you have talked," he replied and shut the door behind him. I could hear the lock turn and his voice muttering enchantments.

I avoided Fred's eyes and motioned for him to sit. With a wave of my wand, I closed the curtains to the compartment so no one could stare.

The silence was stifling. I continued to stare out the window as I thought of what to say.

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