Chapter 42

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I turned at the sound of Fred's voice, laughing at the look on his face. His eyes are wide, mouth slightly agape as he's staring at me.

"Like what you see?" I teased, turning in a slow circle so he can see everything. He nodded dumbly, eyes still wide though he'd snapped his mouth shut. "Good," I replied smugly, crossing the room and stopping in front of him. He stared down into my eyes as he put his hands on my waist.

I smiled innocently and put my hands on his chest, reaching up on my tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "Because it's all yours."

Fred's grip tightened on me and he pulled me closer. "You're really making me not want to go to this party," he mumbled irritably. I laughed and pulled back so I could see his face. His eyes were dark and I knew I'd gotten to him. With a smile, I looked at his outfit. "You got all dressed up - it'd be a shame if no one got to see you."

He looked down at his outfit; a nice button up shirt and black pants and his usual black converse. "But you got to," he said, offering a smile that meant he was trying to win me over. I rolled my eyes and pushed away from him. "Fred, we're going. I didn't put on a dress for nothing." It's just a baby blue sundress, one that Fred picked out recently, and I have on flats and a necklace he gave me a couple months ago. It's nothing special, but still.

He smirked and pinched the fabric. "I could make it worth the effort." I rolled my eyes again and swatted his hand away. "No, Weasley. We're going, deal with it. You can make it 'worth the effort' later." I turned away and grabbed my set of keys, turning to Fred. "Put these in your pocket, please."

He took them from me gently and placed them in his front pocket, patting it securely. "You do realize I have my own keys, right?" I put a hand on my hip and gave him a look. "Do you have a key to my Dad's house?" 

"Well... no," he replied sheepishly. "Thought so, know-it-all." Fred arched a brow and asked, "Why are you being such a brat right now?" I smirked and answered, "Because you love it." He groaned and allowed me to drag him over to the fireplace. "You're torturing me woman." I laughed and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "I know. I promise I'll make up for it later."

"Oh, I know you will." He winked and kissed my lips before grabbing the Floo powder and disappearing in the flames. "That man is going to be the death of me," I grumbled, grabbing the powder and stepping into the flames.

A hand appeared in front of me as I stopped spinning. I took the hand gratefully and stepped out from the fireplace. I looked up and saw Fred smiling back at me. I returned it and squeezed his hand before letting go.

"MJ!" the twins cried in unison, abandoning their conversation with Kailey and running over to me. "Hey! I've missed you guys!" I grabbed them both in a hug, frowning when I realized how tall they've gotten. They're almost up to my shoulders now, and I'm fairly tall for a woman, and they're only eight and a half. 

"We missed you too," Remi said as she and James pulled away. "I know, I'm sorry," I replied sadly. "It's been pretty crazy lately." They nodded and James said, "The shop is totally worth it though." From the corner of my eye, I saw Fred's smile. "We think so too," Fred chimed in, ruffling the younger boy's hair.

James rolled his eyes but I saw his smile as he turned away. He and Remi re-joined Kailey, who smiled and waved at us in greeting. "What's she doing home?" he asked lowly. "Easter break, remember?" 

"Oh, right." He nodded slowly. "I forgot about that one." I elbowed him playfully and said, "That's because you're old." He gave me an unimpressed look. "Rude."

I laughed and grabbed his hand again, pulling him towards the kitchen. "Hey!" Dad, Molly, and George chorused. "Finally," George yelled, crossing the room quickly and smacking the back of his twin's head. "Ow, what was that for?" he whined, rubbing his head. At the same time, their mother cried, "George!"

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