Chapter 19

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~ 1 August 1997~

"Wake up everyone!" Mrs. Weasley chirped anxiously as she entered the room. I was already awake, but Hermione and Ginny were still asleep.

Ginny groaned and thew an arm over her eyes as her mother flung the curtains open. "Five more minutes," she whined childishly. Hermione, now sitting up, cringed with me as Mrs. Weasley turned to her daughter. I glanced at the clock to find that it was already two in the afternoon. We'd definitely slept later than we needed to.

"Ginevra, we don't have five more minutes! Now get up!" she shrieked shrilly, turning her back and storming out. Hermione and I didn't take offense to her not acknowledging us - I was thankful.

Ginny rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. She sat up and pulled her hair back into a ponytail and looked at us. "You guys ready for this?"

I shook my head. "Not really." But I thought about Fred's reaction when he finally sees my dress and smiled. I caught Hermione's eye and saw her giving me a questioning look. I shook my head and stood up.

"Well, guys, I'm gonna get ready. Mrs. Weasley isn't my mother, but man does she scare me like my mum did," I said with a laugh. Hermione laughed as well and Ginny allowed a small grin. "Yeah, she's scary sometimes." She paused to look at me for a moment. "Though she'll be your mother eventually," she stated nonchalantly, getting out of bed and moving toward her closet.

I froze and turned to look at Hermione. She grinned knowingly and shrugged. I rolled my eyes and followed Ginny to the closet.

"Are we starting with dresses?" I asked, staring at the three dress bags in the tiny closet. Ginny sighed. "Unfortunately."

We each grabbed our own bags and found places to change. I stepped into the bathroom across the hall and locked the door behind me. I hung the dress bag on the edge of the door frame and unzipped the bag. I took the dress off the hanger, after fighting to get the dress bag down off the door frame and back up again, and smiled slightly.

It was a short dress, deep crimson in colour, and it was sleeveless. The neckline did this weird thing - it was straight across and seemed to fold over. The fabric that was "folded over" fell just below my chest. It also had a thin layer of crimson lace covering it. It's very Gryffindor-ish, but I love it.

I took off my sleep shirt first, then pulled the dress on over my pants. Once I got it on and got everything situated, I took off my pants. Even though it was August, I was quite cold. But by the time the wedding starts, I should be fine.

I pulled my bathrobe on over it, put my sleep clothes in the dress bag, and exited the bathroom. "Hey!" I turned and seen Charlie hurrying toward me. "Hey Charlie, what's up?"

"Have you seen Fred? George can't find the rings and I think Fred might've taken them to mess with him." He rolled his eyes in annoyance at his younger brothers. I shrugged. "Sorry Charlie. I haven't seen him. But... why is George in charge of the rings? I thought the best man was in charge of that?"

Charlie rolled his eyes again. "I left them with George while I got dressed-" I belatedly realised that he was wearing a suit, "- and now they're missing." I smiled sympathetically. "Sorry. Good luck finding them."

He snorted. "Good luck to me? I'm used to it." He grinned slyly. "Good luck marrying one of them." I froze again, staring at him blankly. He laughed so hard he lost his breath. "You should see the look on your face."

"That's not the first time something like that has been said this afternoon," I grumbled, pushing past him to go back into Ginny's room.

"Whoa," Ginny said as I removed the bathrobe. I smiled and said, "Think he'll like it?" She nodded vigorously. "Definitely. You know he likes it when you wear red." She paused. "Then again, he always thinks you look good so." She ended her sentence with a shrug.

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