Chapter 49

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- JULY 15, 2004 -

After Molly's explosive reaction to our news, we decided to wait a few days before telling his siblings and our closest friends. However, those few days turned into two weeks, and we had our ten week appointment in the midst of it all. According to Healer Mintz, everything is going perfectly and we should even be able to find out the gender in a few weeks. Fred is still adamant that it's a girl, but I'm not so sure. I don't feel strongly either way, I'm just excited for this experience. And either way, we agree that as long as he/she is healthy that's all that matters.

The bell above the shop door jingled signaling a customer. I straightened up and greeted the mother and daughter duo with a smile. "Afternoon ladies, is there anything I can help you with?" The mother smiled and shook her head. "No, thank you though. She knows exactly what she's looking for."

I looked to the girl, who couldn't be much older than Kailey, and smiled knowingly. "The bracelet or extendable ears?" After her initial shock, she smirked and said, "Extendable ears. I'm trying to see if my brother's friend likes my friend." I nodded and shared a look with her mother as she took off in the right direction.

"Kids," she muttered offhandedly, watching her daughter carefully. "I feel ya," I said, turning back to my paperwork. From the corner of my eye I saw the woman studying me quizzically. "You have children?"

"No. Well..." I looked down at my stomach. "I'm actually expecting. But I have a sister who just finished her first year and two younger siblings who are twins. I had to help raise them after our mother passed, so kind of?" The woman hummed in acknowledgement. "I'm sorry to hear that about your mother, but congrats on your baby. When are you due?" 

"End of January, beginning of February," I answered absently. I checked off a couple boxes on my paper and set the clipboard down. "We can't wait." She smiled and ruffled her daughter's hair as she returned. "It's the best experience of your life. Maybe not the easiest, but definitely the best."

"I can only imagine. I got to experience certain parts of raising a child by helping with my siblings, but it's definitely not the same as having your own." I smiled at the kind woman and she ruffled her daughter's hair affectionately. "Good luck dear. I'm sure we'll be back in soon if you need advice." The woman's grin matched mine as I replied, "Thank you, I just might take you up on that." 

The daughter began chattering excitedly as they left, blue eyes twinkling with mischief. I shook my head in amusement. I can only begin to imagine what my child/children will be like. A few customers milled about the store but didn't appear to need help, so I continued with my paperwork.

I got to the part with inventory and groaned. Though no one was around to hear my complaint, I muttered lowly, "I hate inventory." Unlike most businesses, we do our inventory twice - once in the middle of the month, once at the end. Unfortunately it's my turn to do the mid-month counts this time.

A loud crack! sounded behind me which signaled that one of my family members had arrived. Only Fred's family and mine has the ability to Apparate directly into the store, thanks to a complex set of wards Hermione and the boys set up. When a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I knew exactly who it was. "Hello love," Fred murmured, kissing my cheek softly. His hands cradled my tiny, but growing, bump with care. "How's it been so far?" 

I shrugged and turned in his arms so I was facing him. "Not too busy. Just a handful of people." I held up the clipboard and rolled my eyes. "This is kicking my butt though." Fred frowned as I stepped out of his grip. "I'm sorry. Want me to do it for you?" 

"Tempting, but no." I sighed and walked over to the next section I had to count. "I told you I wanted to work as long as I could, and this is part of it." He shook his head and smiled slightly. I eased myself into the floor with a slight groan, ignoring Fred's extended hand. "You stubborn woman, all you have to do is say the word and I'll take care of it for you." He sighed dramatically and added, "No 'I told you so's' included." I laughed and looked up at him from my spot on the floor. "How about you just help with customers and help me out of the floor for now?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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