Chapter 6

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*Little note - I'm skipping to their fourth year (mostly starting with the Yule Ball) because that's where my plot picks up. I had nothing major planned for years 2-3. There won't be another major skip until the war.*


"MJ, Kailey, let's go!" Dad shouts, his frustration with the two of us becoming very clear. "Coming!" I shout back, huffing as I grab the last bit of my stuff and head towards the living room. Mum comes rushing out of Kailey's room, the tired two year old whining and squirming in her arms. 

Dad starts up the stairs as we're reaching the top of the stairwell. The frustration on my parents faces eased a little when they seen each other, but I knew better than to say something. They were already mad enough.

"Jade, let's go. Get everything downstairs and we'll Apparate to the train station," Dad says, smiling tensely and ruffling my hair as I passed him. Normally, I'd be mad at him for messing up my hair but I let it go this time. 

This is the third summer without Harry and also the third summer that I've hounded Mum and Dad to try and push to get him to come live with us. That's part of why they're so frustrated -- that, and Kailey has entered the "terrible twos" stage that every toddler seems to go through. 

My parents sat me down last week and finally explained why they never adopted Harry in the first place. We were gonna go the summer after our first year at Hogwarts and take care of everything then and he'd just come live with us forever and have a happily ever after and blah blah blah. But, since his mother gave up her own life to save him, he has to stay with her sister to keep the same protection.

Mum and Dad both wanted to fight it and say that they were each like a sibling to Lily, but since Kailey was due that summer, there was no time. About four weeks into the summer, Harry was shipped back to the Dursley's and he was so heartbroken. When we returned to school in September, he would hardly talk to me which wound up damaging our previous friend group.

Dad scared me out of my thoughts when him, Mum, and Kailey came up behind me. "Ready MJ?" He asked, linking his arm with mine. I nodded. "Yeah--" I broke off and turned to Mum. "Are you and Kailey coming this time?" I asked, and she shook her head with a sad smile. 

"She can't handle it. I'm sorry honey." I nod and look away, trying not to let on how much it upset me. Of course I understand but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt just a little.

I think Dad noticed, but he didn't say anything. "I'll see you when I get back," he says, leaning over to kiss her cheek. He reached over with his free hand to tickle Kailey and she giggled, reaching up to rub her eye sleepily.

Dad smiled softly, turning back to me. "Ready kiddo?" I nodded and made sure I had all of my bags. Before I knew it, we were at Kings Cross Station. Dad and I made sure we had everything before we headed towards the right platform. We went straight through the barrier without making eye contact with anyone else or looking around because it would likely make us seem more suspicious. 

The vibe of this side of the Platform was one of uneasiness and fear. I knew why. A majority of us here knew why. Death Eaters had shown up at the Quidditch World Cup and destroyed everything. People were hurt, traumatised, or worse. Even if we'd been having problems, I stuck close to Dad.

He must've noticed me moving closer, because he tightened his hold on me. "I've got you," he muttered, trying to dodge families and pets and other obstacles that were in front of us. 

"HEY... HEY, BLACK!" I turned at the use of my surname -- so did my dad -- and found Ron Weasley following us. "WEASLEY," I returned, turning away to face the direction that I was going. "WAIT UP!" He shouted back, and I could hear him running to catch up to us.

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