Chapter 43

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- May 5, 2004 -

"Mar, are you sure?" May asked nervously, staring into the box Ginny and I had presented her with. Hermione looked away, eyes wide and cheeks pink. Ginny and I giggled and I nodded proudly. "Of course. He's going to lose his mind." May eyed me wearily and put the lacey fabric back in the box and promptly put the lid on.

"If you say so." I laughed and said, "Well, we do. But that was mostly just a joke gift." May arched a brow in our direction. Ginny smiled earnestly and leaned forward. She gently took the box from May's hands and replaced it with a slightly bigger one. "This is the for real present. It's from the three of us."

Hermione turned to face us again, less flustered this time. May smiled nervously and opened the box gently. She gasped as she looked down and lifted the jewelry box from inside. She looked between the three of us as she looked into it. She put a hand over her mouth as she realized what was there.'

The three of us had each gotten her a piece of jewelry. I got her a bracelet with the initials "M.W.L." on it, as well as some other charms that I thought fit her style. Ginny gifted her a ring with hers and George's birthstones on it, which she immediately slid onto her right ring finger. Hermione beamed as May picked up the necklace, which was a locket. Inside was a Muggle picture of May and George. On the outside, their wedding date is engraved in a pretty cursive font.

"You guyssss!" May cried, wiping tears off of her face. She held out her wrist and handed me the bracelet. I put it on for her, smiling when she met my eyes. She put the necklace on herself before setting the jewelry box aside. "You're the best!" She pulled the three of us into a hug. We laughed and struggled to hug her back like normal due to the fact that we're all still sitting. 

When she pulled away, tears were streaming down her face. "What's wrong?" Ginny asked kindly, grabbing the older girl's hand. "Nothing, nothing," May said, waving her hand dismissively. "I'm just so thankful for you guys. I mean..." she paused, wiping her face. "I don't have siblings, but now I have you guys and you're just so... so much better than I could've ever hoped for."

"See, all I had was younger sisters. Well, and the one brother. I'm glad to finally have one closer to my age," I chimed in, grabbing her other hand and smiling. "I was the only girl, so you can imagine how glad I am to finally be getting some sisters," Ginny said seriously, smiling slightly. Hermione, May, and I laughed and Hermione leaned forward. "I'm an only child too, so I know exactly what you mean." May grinned gratefully and sniffled. "I'm so lucky. I'm marrying into a great family."

Ginny's smile faltered, though she quickly fixed it when she caught my eye. I smiled knowingly and she raised her brows slightly before looking away.

"Anyway," Ginny said quickly, changing the mood with her chipper tone. "Who's ready to party?" 


Instead of doing a traditional bachelorette party where the guys and girls are separate, we joined forces. Fred, Ginny, Bill, and I all got together and paid for the private sector at the local club. They knew what it was for (a place for us to party together without getting mixed in with the strangers) and were happy to help. 

George's eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he saw May. She looked absolutely stunning in her white sundress, and they both knew it. Ginny and I shared a smile as we watched them interact for a moment.

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