Chapter 32

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I glared at the dress sitting across from me. Ginny and Molly had insisted it wouldn't be so bad once I got it on, but just the thoughts of putting it on made me want to cry. It's gorgeous, but it's a monstrosity. It has a full, flowing skirt which is a rich, navy blue. It's almost the same colour as the Ravenclaw common room was. The upper half is made of a soft, comfy material and the sleeves are made of black lace. Like I said, gorgeous but... I shook my head and turned away from it. 

Kate and I had been owling about this "party" and neither of us were too impressed. She's required to go since she's engaged to Draco. I have to go too because Cissa requested I be invited and I know she'll be highly disappointed if I don't go. I sighed and turned to face Tonks glumly. She was bubbling with excitement - she claimed this was practice for getting me ready for my wedding. Always on about my wedding- which neither of us are ready for just yet.

"C'mon, MJ, it's not that bad," Tonks said as she pushed off of my bed. I raised an eyebrow as I followed her with my eyes. She gently brushed the imaginary dust off of it and beamed at me.

I sighed and glanced at the clock. I have one and a half hours to get ready and meet Fred. I'm really excited to see him tonight. He said he would be renting a muggle tux instead of wearing dress robes and I have a feeling it's going to make him look way more handsome than dress robes did. I personally despise wizard's dress robes - the muggles are honestly onto something with their tuxedos.

I started on my makeup while Tonks did my hair. "It's not going to be much, but it'll be nice I promise," Tonks assured me. I rolled my eyes before I started on eyeshadow. "I'm not that worried about it." She pursed her lips and paused her movements. "You should be." I shrugged and met her eyes in the mirror. "But I don't." She shook her head and continued in silence. I took in what I'd already done.

My eyelids had a light dusting of navy blue shadow, with a touch of black on the outer corners and the crease. The inner corner will have a lighter blue and then I'll add eyeliner and be done. Tonks and I continued working in silence, each focused intently on the task at hand. Just as I put on the finishing touches of sparkly white shadow, just a light dusting as well, Tonks shouted, "Done!"

I smiled and said, "Me too." She studied my face in the mirror and nodded approvingly. "Here," she said suddenly, holding out a tube of lipstick. I grimaced and hesitantly accepted it. "Do I have to?" Tonks nodded vigorously. "Always wear a good lipstick to this kind of thing."

I nodded and applied it to my lips. It's a very rich, dark red that I actually think looks really nice. It doesn't clash with the blue, so I'll take that as a small victory. Tonks smiled gently and offered me a mirror to use to see my hair. I turned around and held up the mirror and my jaw literally dropped.

"I don't know how you did that, but it looks amazing!" Tonks blushed as I turned to give the mirror back to her. "Thanks, but it's nothing." I gave her a disapproving look and shook my head. "No, that is amazing. You're totally doing my hair for my wedding." Her eyes widened and she grinned brightly. "Really?" I nodded and smiled too - until she crossed the room and held up my dress.

Upon spying the look on my face, Tonks frowned. "C'mon Marley, you've gotta get dressed. It's nearly five-thirty now." I turned to look at my clock in alarm. Surely that much time hadn't passed?

Sure enough, to my dismay, it had. Fred's supposed to be here any minute because we've got to get to the party early. I groaned and got up to close my door. Tonks carefully removed the dress from its hanger and covered her eyes so I could undress. I snorted and said, "You don't have to do that." 

"No, but I want you to have your privacy," she replied graciously. I accepted it and took off my day-clothes. I would sorely miss my jeans within the first hour. "Okay, I'm ready," I said, sighing heavily.

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