Chapter 23

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Timeline is confusing, so I'm addressing it here:

Twins birthday - September 8, 1996 (1)

Kailey's birthday - July 6, 1992 (5)

MJ's birthday - July 10, 1980 (17)

September 8, 1997

"MJ! Get the kids up and ready!" Dad shouted from down the hall. I shot up in my bed, eyes wide open. "Okay!" I shouted back, throwing the covers off my legs.

My vision went blurry and I felt dizzy for a moment. I shook it off and went down the hall to Kailey's room.

"Rise and shine kid." I pulled the blankets back and poked her arm. The sleepy five year old groaned and covered her eyes with her arm. "Come on, Kailey, get up. The twins' party is today," I told her, tugging her arm away.

She groaned again and opened her eyes. Her bottom lip jutted out in a pout and I sighed. "C'mon, kid. It's my one day of freedom. Get up, please." She simply stared at me in response. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I'm gonna go get the twins up and ready. By the time I get done with that, you better be up."

I turned on my heel and left her room to go to the twins' room. I peered down at them sleeping peacefully and smiled. "Rise and shine babies... you're officially one year old."

Obviously, I didn't get a proper response from either of them. I didn't even get a whine or the sound of them waking up. They were both still sleeping peacefully as if I hadn't said anything. I sighed heavily and leaned carefully against the railing of James' crib.

"MJ, what's going on?" Dad asked as he entered the room. I turned to look at him before returning my gaze to James.

"I was trying to wake them. Clearly it isn't going too well." I pushed away from the crib and went to join Dad in the doorway.

"Is Kailey up yet?" I asked as I ran a hand through my hair. He shrugged. "I'll go check. Just get the twins up and ready, please." I nodded and stepped further into the room.

I grabbed Remi first because she's usually less fussy than James.

"Wake up, sweet girl," I murmured, poking her arm gently. She stirred in her sleep but didn't wake. I pursed my lips and repeated my actions until she finally woke up.

"Good morning sweet girl." I chuckled as she gave a great yawn. "Goodness that was a big yawn," I said, pretending to be astonished. In response, she blinked and yawned again.

I sighed and began to dress her. Dad and I had picked out some adorable twin outfits just for today's occasion. Remi's outfit consists of a pastel blue shirt with a black letters that say "I'm One!" on the front and little baby jeans.

One thing I love about my precious baby sister is how chubby her little cheeks are. I squished her cheeks gently and smiled at her. She giggled back at me and my smile widened. "You're so precious," I told her as I tugged the shirt over her head. We had more of a struggle with baby jeans than I would've ever thought possible, but I finally got them on her.

"Now," I said as I held her close to me. "Let's get brother dressed, shall we?" I balanced Remi on my hip as I found James' outfit. A loud knock interrupted the silence and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I whirled around and found George standing in the doorway. My eyes widened and I hurried over to him. "Georgie!" I cried elatedly, hugging him as tightly as I could without hurting Remi.

"Hey MJ," he replied, laughing happily at my reaction. "I've missed you," I told him as I stepped away. "Yeah, I've missed you too," he replied, sighing. "I've missed everyone here lately." I felt my smile dim slightly. 

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