Chapter 39

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"Fred, stop it," I grumbled, swatting his hand away. "C'mon, Mar, you're killing me," he whined, reaching for the pan again. "You idiot, you'll burn yourself." I smacked his hand lightly and he jerked it away. He gave me a wounded look and leaned against the counter opposite me. "That wasn't very nice, love."

I rolled my eyes and set the pan on the burners. "Well, I was trying to stop you from burning yourself. Sorry that I care." He chuckled at my sarcasm and looped his arms around my waist. I smiled despite my previous annoyance and leaned into him. 

"Why exactly are we doing this again?" he asked in an annoyed tone. "Because, Fred, we haven't had George and May over in ages. I thought it'd be nice to have a little dinner party." I turned in his arms and let my hands rest on his chest. "It's nearly been two months since our accident and May is still extremely upset about it. Which is understandable, but I want things to be normal again."

Fred nodded and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "You have a point." I snorted and smacked his chest. "Of course I do." He rolled his eyes and pulled away. "You're so full of it." I smirked and turned back to the pan of muffins. "I know." I turned and looked at him over my shoulder. "That's why you love me."

He pursed his lips and rolled his eyes. I smiled smugly and began putting food onto trays and into bowls. I placed them in just the right places on the counter, then put four plates and four sets of silverware onto the table.

"Uh, what time are they supposed to be coming?" Fred asked suddenly. "Five, why?" 

"It's four forty-five now, love," he replied. I turned quickly to look at him in surprise. "Really?" I turned and looked at the clock above his head and groaned. "Okay. I'm gonna go get ready. Be back in a minute." Fred nodded and milled around the kitchen absently.

"DON'T EAT THE MUFFINS!" I shouted as I stepped into the bedroom. I heard him sigh disappointedly and shuffle around some more. I shook my head and rummaged through our closet for a nice outfit. 

"This will do," I murmured. I tossed a blue shirt, almost the same shade as a blueberry, onto the bed along with a pair of jeans. I stripped out of my previous outfit, which is now covered in food, and tossed it into the hamper. I pulled on my jeans and shirt just as I heard Fred greeting May and George loudly. I checked myself in the mirror, smoothing out my hair and adjusting my glasses.

I stepped into the hallway, shutting the bedroom door behind me. "Guys!" I shouted gleefully, running and hugging them both at once. "Hey!" George laughed as he caught most of my weight to make sure May didn't fall. I pulled away from them, smiling at them both. "I haven't seen you guys in forever!" I looked to May, my smile falling when I saw the strained look on her face. I glanced at George briefly, knowing that he saw it too, and grabbed her hands. 

"I'm stealing your girl for a minute, Georgie," I said bluntly, pulling May down the hall to mine and Fred's room. I shut the door behind us and turned to her. "What's going on, May?" 

She shrugged, fidgeting with her engagement ring as she avoided my gaze. "Nothing." I frowned and crossed my arms. "Is that so? Then why are you avoiding me?" May looked up at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen. I uncrossed my arms and joined her in the middle of the room. "I still feel so guilty... about the accident..." 

I shook my head, putting my hands on her shoulders. "Listen to me, and listen to me good, okay?" She nodded and looked away briefly before meeting my eyes again. "I'm not mad about the accident, I never was. I'm just glad we're both okay." May looked down at the floor again. "But... what about Fred? And your family, and those friends from France?" 

"May, darling," I said assuringly, "My father isn't mad at you. He and I have been through something similar before. He's just glad that the both of us are okay. My siblings are really too young to fully understand, except Kailey. She's just... a pre-teen. They're all angry. Like, always angry." May laughed in spite of herself. "You're right about that," she mumbled, flashing a small smile. 

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